State Capitalism/Degenerated Workers State

  1. Geiseric
    So, there seems to be somewhat a disagreement among people who would consider themselves Trotskyist around the "State Capitalism," question. I would like to get to the bottom of it along with all of you guys.

    So the U.S.S.R. rose as a workers state, against a Tsarist and Capitalist counter revolution, and the theory so far about State Capitalism is that the Bureaurcacy evolved into a new class, one that managed and operated production in the same way as in Capitalist countries, thus they are a new class above the workers in function and should be treated as "State Bourgeois,"

    My main concern is that there are city planners and let's call them factory managers who do not own production but administer it and somewhat guide its process, since they are the "Intellectual Labour." Every society has one, so it isn't an alien concept that is distinct in the U.S.S.R. However, in each society it still somewhat contributes some kind of labor to a system that they don't physically own. They steal from the factory's money vault and they take what they want in a way that would make John D. Rockefeller blush, but they don't own anything, thus cannot be a new class.

    As for the term "State Capitalism," I as well as Engels said that State Capitalism was the bourgeois's last effort to save a dying capitalist system, in a way like Nazi Germany, Roosevelt era U.S. and in general, Kenyesian Economics. So if we look at the way Capitalism develops, that process never happened in the U.S.S.R. where the falling rate of profit and inevitable crisis happened, thus laying the foundations for State Capitalism to build. The U.S.S.R. wasn't trying to make profits, the Bureaucracy did whatever they did to maintain their power and expand their dominion of Social Imperialism like the Eastern Bloc, but that was still more progressive than Capitalist Countries in some aspects such as things were generally run for the functioning of society, not for the profit incentive of a bank.

    Just my thoughts, I can't wait to hear replies.
  2. Q
    I've put my thoughts about it perhaps most extensively over here: It was neither "state-capitalist" (or indeed any type of capitalist) nor a workers state, degenerated or otherwise.