I applaud this group

  1. Robocommie
    Thanks to lady catherine and anyone else who had a hand in starting it. The working class is very diverse, and the left should be equally so, and furthermore, it should be comfortable with that diversity. If there's one thing that has never ceased to annoy me about the culture of the Left, it is it's tendency to be incredibly arch and condescending about religious people and their beliefs. A good friend and Marxist influence of mine, who is himself an atheist, once opined that anti-theism was generally a Nietzschean contempt for the masses. It is my conviction that if the Left is to truly thrive and find a place for everyone then it must adopt an attitude of acceptance in which both atheists and the religiously inclined can be comfortable. Religious workers are still workers, and the revolution will liberate them as well as atheist workers.

    In any case, hope you'll pardon me prattling on like this. The real gist is that it makes me feel very encouraged to see currents like this on the Left.
  2. Red Rabbit
    Red Rabbit
    Yes, it is really nice to see a group like this here on RevLeft. Especially with how hostile many members of the Left can be towards religion and religious people.