Sorry for not being on in the last few days.

  1. GallowsBird
    My apologies for not being on in the last few days, I haven't gone Awol, I am just moving next week and there was a death in the family three days ago which was quite a blow. Just saying in case everyone thought that I'd succumbed to maintainer syndrome and they'd have to get a new maintainer already; I haven't abandoned the group.
  2. Bostana
    As long as you don't leave us.
  3. Zealot
    No problem, dear leader. Sorry for the loss, had a death in my family a few weeks ago too :/
  4. dodger
    Sorry to hear of your loss. We all look forward to your return
    all the best to you and your family
  5. GallowsBird
    Thanks all. Don't worry I am not even contemplating leaving; would hate to be remembered as the shortest lived maintainer, and I like many of you too much to just leave...

    Sorry to hear about your loss Exoprism. My condolences.
  6. Bostana
    Sorry about your loss Comrade.