Marxism vs. Anarchism

  1. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    I would like to clear up the ideals between Marxist-Leninists, Stalinists, Maoists other "right-wing" communists and anarchism. The article below is to understanding what anarchists are about. Personally, i think that there needs to be a colliding of anarchist and communist revolutionary efforts. A revolutionary situation calls for quick centralised decision making, for instance in having a feel when workers can take over their factories, how strong the opposing reformist-counterrevolutionary parties are and when they will use their white guard mercenaries to smash the revolution. But, this is my opinion, sometimes, for long lasting important decisions, there should be worker council decisions, i am talking mainly about the economy here. This is my basic critique of (what i know of) Leninism and "right-wing" communism, that the centralised political front cuts into the freedom of the working class' (especially peasant) collective control, which is after all, our goal.