New Maintainer for Our Group?

  1. Omsk
    Why not Ismail?
  2. GallowsBird
    I have decided that I'd rather not be the group's maintainer.

    Dun dun dunnnnnnn.
    I hope this isn't because you are thinking of leaving this site? You have probably done the most to advance Marxism-Leninism on this forum with your enormous collection of quotes and by setting an example for all the M-Ls who came after (you were great when I first arrived and needed more support in threads; you were always at hand to backup M-L's points with good first hand sources). You are also our only active Mod (which is very important as we are under represented here in my opinion).

    P.S. Sorry if this is sounding like a eulogy.
  3. Bostana
    I have decided that I'd rather not be the group's maintainer.

    Dun dun dunnnnnnn.
    Damn now I have to vote again.

  4. DrStrangelove
    I'll recast my vote to GallowsBird then
  5. Ismail
    I'm not leaving, I'm just a busy guy.
  6. GallowsBird
    I'm not leaving,
    That is good to hear.

    I'm just a busy guy
    Ah, fair enough.
  7. Bostana
    How are you going to change the maintainer if the old one is gone anyway?
  8. Ismail
    How are you going to change the maintainer if the old one is gone anyway?
    The power of admins.
  9. Bostana
    It is a power truly unknown
  10. The Old Man from Scene 24
    Since Ismail doesn't want to be the group maintainer, I change my vote to GallowsBird as my first choice, Omsk as my second.
  11. Bostana
    We should have a poll for this.
  12. The Old Man from Scene 24
    We should have a poll for this.
  13. Ismail
    Honestly guys does it really matter all that much? Not like this group has 3000 members and 10 topics per day or something.

    I'll just get the admins to replace The Vegan Marxist, on account of his inactivity, with GallowsBird, based on consensus within this group. Sound good?
  14. The Old Man from Scene 24
  15. Bostana
    Then that only means one thing......
    Congratulations GallowsBird
  16. Sixiang
    Sounds good to me. Ismail is a man of action. I like it.
  17. El Chuncho
    El Chuncho
    Ismail is a great moderator, one of our only moderators too. Well, congratulations to GallowsBird and Omsk. As Omsk was the runner up, I say that if we ever need to get a new maintainer again (say, if GallowsBird leaves etc), it should pass to him.
  18. Sixiang
    So how about Ismail uses his magical admin powers to make Gallows Bird the new maintainer?
  19. Ismail
    So how about Ismail uses his magical admin powers to make Gallows Bird the new maintainer?
    I don't have "magical admin powers."
  20. Sixiang
    I don't have "magical admin powers."
    I was just teasing. Magic is idealist of course.
  21. ColonelCossack
    No, Ismail has Scientific Moderator Powers.
  22. GallowsBird
    I have accepted the maintainership of this group just now so I thank all those who had the cofidence in me to elect me as maintainer; I shall do my best to maintain this place and not do anything stupid like accidentally deleteing the group obviously.

    Thanks to all those who voted but not for me as well as it is good to get as many active members voting.
  23. ColonelCossack
  24. GallowsBird
    Thanks. At the moment I am going through the member list to check who is or isn't an M-L... down to "I" at the moment.
  25. dodger
    I don'want to start up threads, make the site cluttered. Just an idea could we have 'bins' to throw items into. As a for instance ww2---pact---socialist construction--munich--spain--finland, any guidance how to proceed from comrades? articles book reviews, news items. Rather than post willy nilly or send to comrades who are already acquainted with said piece. Your thoughts
  26. GallowsBird
    The groups are pretty basic... they sadly can't have different sections like proper forums.
  27. dodger
    thanks gallows
  28. The Vegan Marxist
    The Vegan Marxist
    I apologize fellow comrades for my long absence. With everything that was going on with revleft in the last few months, and with the Occupy Movement increasing action, I felt the need of being on RevLeft as very minimal. I found it more important to attend mass action at Occupy Congress, among other important actions, than to remain online.

    I'm glad to see that GallowsBird has taken over, as I believe s/he will do a great job in maintaining this important group. I, again, apologize for my absence and still unsure how often I'll even be online for RevLeft. Most of my online work now goes strictly into my news blog The prison gates are open... and helping run the Fight Back! News. But in the meantime, I'll be sure to try and be as active as I can in our future discussions.
  29. GallowsBird
    I'm glad to see that GallowsBird has taken over, as I believe s/he will do a great job in maintaining this important group.
    Thank you, comrade.

    I, again, apologize for my absence and still unsure how often I'll even be online for RevLeft. Most of my online work now goes strictly into my news blog The prison gates are open... and helping run the Fight Back! News. But in the meantime, I'll be sure to try and be as active as I can in our future discussions.
    Well, I am glad you have returned, you were missed. You're blog is a good one by the way... I read it a fair bit. I have just read your article 'The Secret War To Come: The War On Iran' which was good. I have noted that "Cold War" politics has shifted towards Iran, from Russia and China.

    Incidentally, I think the Western war on Iran shall actually get hot within a few months. I live near a military base in the UK (who are always involved in US Imperialist wars) and a good sign that a new war is coming is when there are non-stop war games for a few months; my house is constantly being rocked by the sounds and vibrations of explosives.
  30. The Vegan Marxist
    The Vegan Marxist
    There's no doubt that a war is being stirred. With China and Russia stepping in and defending Syria from imperialist intervention, it places the West in a tight spot in their original plans. It was clear that the destabilization of Syria would've be a stepping stone for the West to eventually invade Iran when it's weakened. A war on Iran will also likely stir other countries to get involved on both sides of the war.

    It's a frightening thought, because both China and Russia have stated clearly that they'll defend Iran if provoked. This could potentially turn into a global escalation fairly easily. Something no one here rationally wants for any country.