Call for Entries Feb 2012 : Autonomy, Consensus, and Revolution

  1. Revolting Rebel
    Revolting Rebel
    Autonomy, Consensus, and Revolution:

    Philosophy of Revolution & Organisation in Libertarian Socialism

    For too long, the masses have been held prisoner by a a theoretical crisis in revolutionary philosophy. On one side, authoritarian socialists who argue for a top-down hierarchical "transition period" in which a technocratic elite centrally plan society and whose central authority magically "withers away"; on the other, anti-intellectual anarchists and anti-organizational nihilist who argue for an eclectic revolution which smashes the state, giving birth to a state-less, classless society free of all forms of oppression without any form of mediation between capitalism and freedom. Both suffer from a middle-class distrust of the "worker" and tend to substitute themselves for the self-activity of the oppressed.

    But a another way is possible! People Not Profit sees that a libertarian socialist transition period which mediates social relations between capitalism and anarchism is necessary, but that it must be grounded in a democratic revolution of the workers at the point of production, and the self-determination of the oppressed - not some self-declared “vanguard.”

    After so many counter-revolutions have arisen from within the revolution, it is clear that a revolution must also emerge, as new passions and forces rise up to smash all forms of oppression created by the division of mental and manual labor in society (one class who makes decisions, and another who must follow them). It is also clear that we cannot leave to chance the question of "What Happens After the Revolution?" We also cannot divide fighting against all forms of oppression, as we can only get beyond capitalism if we overthrow it in its totality.

    Recently, we have seen a new uprising around the word, from Egypt to Wall Street, experimenting in new forms of democratic organisation, and attempting to put theory into practice. As Anti-Capitalists, we are excited by the Occupation Movement spreading across the world questioning the validity of capitalism.

    People Not Profit sees this as a challenge to revolutionaries as well - to work within the new forms of resistance - consensus decision making - to achieve a new theoretical consensus that can move us forward. We trust in the process of the collective mind to create something greater than any individual.

    But in the process of consensus, the voices of the oppressed can be stifled, as well as those of the Third Worlds. In this movement against the corporations and for radical political democracy, we do not overlook economic and social democracy as well. We must represent the needs of the Third World and fight for the rights and autonomy of women, workers, people of color, youth, and LBT.

    This first issue of People Not Profit seeks to explore Libertarian Socialist and Libertarian Marxist theories of revolution grounded in the self-determination and autonomy of the oppressed, the role of spontaneity and organization, and the praxis of revolutionary theory. We welcome debate, artwork, theory, poetry, or anything else you think may be relevant.


    People not Profit exists to deepen the radicalization of the anti-Globalization, Acampada, Indignados, and the new Occupation movements sweeping the world, including Occupy Wall Street in the New York and Take the Square in Madrid. We aim to do this by not just keeping the abolition of capitalism in the discussion, but by agitating for more participation by unemployed and poor workers, POC/Blacks, and others locked out of not just the economic and political system, but Left or radical formations as well.

    People Not Profit is a space for the praxis and debate that arise from a vision of the self-determination of the masses and the role of revolutionaries who reject vanguardism.

    submit to: [email protected]
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