Torchwood Miracle Day

  1. Il Medico
    Il Medico
    Did anyone else watch the latest Torchwood Series Miracle Day? I was pretty disappointed, the series was a big let down with lots of bad writing and most it seemed like pointless filler. There were some really good episodes, don't get me wrong, and some brilliant moments, but the show as a whole just didn't deliver. My favorite episode was Immortal Sins, which humorously, was the one that pretty much abandoned the tone of the whole series to do a classic Torchwood adventure through flashback.
    Also, WHAT THE FUCK DAVIES. You can't just pass out Jack's immortality like candy. Especially no to a jackass like Rex. [/Spoilers]
  2. ericksolvi
    I saw it and was also underwhelmed.
  3. Kiwi Viking
    Kiwi Viking
    Kiwi's always get these things a wee bit later than everyone else, Sorry
    I found it rather like being hit with a warm lettuce leaf