Dialectical systems

  1. ColonelCossack
    Can anyone name a few dialectical systems apart from historical materialism and natural selection?

    Discuss. NOW.
  2. grok
    Can anyone name a few dialectical systems apart from historical materialism and natural selection?

    Discuss. NOW.

    Well, the thing is: plenty of people think dialectical-materialism is just a methodology: that it's not 'real', per se, in the world 'out there'... The rest of us, OTOH, not only accept that all of Reality and the Universe is dialectical in its materialism: we indeed try to understand its every process in light of this understanding; to greater or lesser success. Not like we're getting much help, eh?

    So my point is: everything is dialectical. Nothing can be un-dialectical -- just as nothing in this Reality can be truly immaterial, either. So your question is like being blindfolded and asked to throw a dart to hit something: the thing is -- you'll hit your 'target' regardless. So we can pick any system you want to talk about. Any. And if we can't figure it out 'dialectically'? Then AFAIC this only reflects our poor reasoning and scientific methodology -- and not the truth of the matter as claimed.

    But examples? Well, if you study hegelian dialectics, you will understand that there is a sort of 'hierarchy' of development of dialectical relations; and I will put it to you that these relations are also 'self-similar' -- and therefore fractal. So "Chaos Theory" would be a good place to start looking for dialectical relations, if not an easy one (and maybe it is, at that). But I think you probably want some simpler and more obvious example. And why not. But if you think the stating of a relation is also the proof of it as well, I think you are going to be a little disappointed. We are going to have to work at things a little more and harder than just that.

    But let me throw out a few examples in the spirit in which you asked them, just to get going..

    Howsabout in more abstract matters,
    like mathematics?
    • In calculus: the basic dialectical relations between the infinitesimal calculus and its opposite, the integral calculus;
    • In complex numbers: imaginary numbers vs. real numbers;
    • In Real numbers: positive numbers vs. negative numbers;

    Or in physics?
    • Positive charge vs. negative charge;
    • The fundamental wave-particle duality of Nature at the Quantum level;
    • The emergent (Quantum statistical) phenomenon of classical Reality from the Quantum Reality;
    • The essential bifurcation between the physics of General Relativity vs. the physics of Quantum Mechanics;
    • The various conjugate pairs of Quantum indeterminacy;

    • The phenomenon of male vs. female forms in sexual reproduction;
    • The particularity of Species-being vs. the generality of the ecological system;

    Social/Political/Economic science?
    • Materialism vs. Idealism.
    • The phenomenon of subjective consciousness vs. objective Reality;
    • In Political-Economy: the use-value of a commodity vs. its exchange-value;
    • The Collective vs. the Individual;

    And of course -- this is a list which can essentially grow indefinitely long.
  3. ColonelCossack