Basic Anti-Consumerism

  1. CommieTroll
    Lets discuss basic Anti-Consumerism and how you got interested in this topic.
    After I saw Fight Club and read the novel I became fascinated with anti-consumerism and it even eventually led me to Marxism
  2. Rakhmetov
    Is that a good novel? I saw the movie but never read the novel. The film was a mess if you want to know my opinion.

    Well, anti-consumerism is a good place to start if you want to deprive the capitalists of oxygen. Without a bunch of zombie-like consumers buying up everything the capitalist would just die out like a fire deprived of fuel. Have you guys heard of the "zombies" that launched a protest against consumerism and were then arrested???
  3. CommieTroll
    I've never heard of that protest, Fight Club the novel makes the movie look like crap, personally I really enjoyed the movie but the book was amazing. Another good read and movie is The Beach, I noticed a few Anti-Consumerist things from the movie
  4. Flying Trotsky
    Flying Trotsky
    I'm not sure how I got involved- it just seemed like common sense. Rich people don't seem to be more fulfilled than anyone else...
  5. greengiant

    "allegedly violent gang called jugglos"

    im facepalming right now