"Rabid Grannies"

  1. Os Cangaceiros
    Os Cangaceiros
    If anyone's interested in a gory-but-fun film to watch, I recommend Rabid Grannies:


    It's a Belgian horror film about, well, rabid grannies who are possessed by evil spirits and proceed to massacre a bunch of guests at their spacious house. It has some spirited animation and it's kinda funny. Troma distributes it but (thankfully) did not take part in it's production.
  2. Proukunin
    You don't like troma?

    What about terror firmer? or toxic avenger?

    I mean that's cool everyone has an opinion with these types of movies. I personally like the gorey slapstick 'exploitation'
  3. Os Cangaceiros
    Os Cangaceiros
    No, I do not like Troma at all. Their sense of humor gets on my nerves. Lloyd Kaufman gets on my nerves.

    One thing I will say for Troma though is that their label distributes a lot of obscure independent horror that might not otherwise get distributed, like Rabid Grannies and Demonsamongus. So I like that aspect of them.
  4. Pirate Utopian
    Pirate Utopian
    Most Troma films arent that funny. I did like Poultrygeist though.

    I saw Rabid Grannies, 'twas okay.
  5. 'Most Troma films arent that funny. '
    I second this.

    I'm going to watch this film in a bit.
  6. Pirate Utopian
    Pirate Utopian
    Some are. But some are just too predictable humorwise. Class of Nukem High is one that works too.
  7. Proukunin
    terror firmer is the best. I think.