Hierarchy should not exist

  1. mick.jones29
    We are educated from birth to respect authority and obey those of a higher status. A future society must be one where hierarchy does not exist, not imposed, or people opressed. Parents instill into their children obedience and the school / college system re-inforces that. We must all learn the art of rebelling and protest. As seen in the chinese cultural revolution a state of continual revolution and both further our cause and increase understanding of what we are capable of to progress humanity. Should we not smash old tired culture and build our new society based on collectivisation, free will and glorification of those values we hold most dear. I support the dismantling of the family unit and the education system as a start point.
  2. Magón
    What are you trying to get at?
  3. mick.jones29
    I'm just throwing some ideas and thoughts out there. Interested to get opinions, agreement/ disagreement, and also trying to establish if my thoughts and views are consistant with the standard anarcho - communism. I know its a wide subject and i've lots more to contribute in due course.
  4. AnarchoCommunistEyepatch
    How does one go about dismantling the family without the use of hierarchical means? The right way cannot be to force people to give up their families, i believe that the family might work for some people the same way that communal households works for others, the important thing to do is dismantle the bodies that enforce modern family dynamics such as the contemporary education system (as you said) and hierarchical religious bodies.
  5. cakedisintegrate
    I hate hierarchy because it assumes that some people are better than others, and deserving of a more important role in society. (It's ridiculous that the royal family are still in a position of power in modern society - they are simply born into a family, it is not their choice at all). However I think that some people, even people who are very aware of the hierarchy system and the problems with it, enjoy living in a family unit. Loads of people. Maybe this is because they were brought up this way but all I'm saying is it will take ages to dismantle it. I do agree about the education system though. I am still in the education system so I speak with a fair amount of... authority? No. Bitterness is probably the word.