Forklifts useful against revisionism?

  1. Kléber
    I know tanks weren't but maybe if Molotov had contacted some workers and sent in a forklift brigade to Moscow they could have taken the streets and defeated the Khrushchev clique in its revisionist coup d'etat?

    Could forklifts even have been deployed to Spain or Chile to defeat fascism?
  2. Muzk
    To Spain maybe, but Chile is way too far off. However, they could have sent some forklift scientists and militiary commanders experienced in forkliftist insurrection.
    This then would have needed an advanced industrial production for forklifts in Chile... hmm.. problems, problems!
  3. Red Commissar
    Red Commissar
    What about joining the struggle of the forklift with other construction and utility vehicles? It would be a revolutionary joint-alliance between all segments of the proletarian vehicles rising up against the bourgeoisie.
  4. samofshs
    what about joining the struggle of the forklift with other construction and utility vehicles? It would be a revolutionary joint-alliance between all segments of the proletarian vehicles rising up against the bourgeoisie.
    reactionary scum!!!
  5. Red Commissar
    Red Commissar
    Farm combines and bulldozers are exploited too!
  6. AK
    Bullshit. This is a Bourgeois bulldozer used by Zionist Israel to destroy entire Palestinian villages:
  7. Ocean Seal
    Ocean Seal
    Bullshit. This is a Bourgeois bulldozer used by Zionist Israel to destroy entire Palestinian villages:
    Shit that thing looks like a monster, seriously it looks like the marmota from Valykria Chronicles.

    How many forklifts would we need to sacrifice to that thing. Unless we used the truck mounted forklifts. With a large truck the bourgeois would be out of luck.

  8. Ztrain
    I know tanks weren't but maybe if Molotov had contacted some workers and sent in a forklift brigade to Moscow they could have taken the streets and defeated the Khrushchev clique in its revisionist coup d'etat?

    Could forklifts even have been deployed to Spain or Chile to defeat fascism?
    I think not in Chile due to the Andes mountains getting in the Pinochet would blow up every forklift in a football field
  9. Ztrain
    Bullshit. This is a Bourgeois bulldozer used by Zionist Israel to destroy entire Palestinian villages:
    Seeing how its capable of destroying entire villages,ruining lives and being used in whats essentially a holcaust it should be called a weapon of mass destruction and the u.s should intervene and next year we would see both the bulldozer and Netanyhu hung on TV...Of couse we would do this ethically responsible action if they had large amounts of oil that we werent getting cheap.
  10. Chambered Word
    Chambered Word

    The Krupp coal excavator.

    bourgeoisie = fucked