what we want after the revolution

  1. piet11111
    i was thinking about what it is we from the HPG seek from a post-revolutionary society.
    it would make for a nice list to show what the HPG is about to those outside of revleft.

    i suggest we all post 2-3 things i will start

    - abolishment of private property.
    - free and unlimited access to healtcare and all possible enhancements of the body and mind.
    - unlimited access to education for everyone.
  2. Schrödinger's Cat
    [FONT=Arial]I don't know about the absolute abolishment of small businesses - forcing the petty-class into a reactionary position could be detrimental to the movement. I say we let small, "private" firms die out through competition between themselves and the socialist/technocratic economy. That said, I still think they should be taxed and their commerce regulated by the community.

    I would be looking forward to:

    1.) Democratic governance, as opposed to the Republican apparatus
    2.) Democratic control over the industries
    3.) Voting age being lowered to 16
    4.) E-Democracy
    5.) Pursuit of liberating technology through state programs
    6.) Abolishment of frivolous elements to the state, like recognized marriages

  3. Raúl Duke
    Raúl Duke
    -Efficiency, Sustainable, Communist economy-urban planning-etc ASAP
    -Worker Control of Industries through worker's councils/syndicates, Democratic (as in direct democracy/anarchist syle= think of anarchist technocracy.) Control of the Technate (with or without, but likely with, advice/briefing/info from specialists-scientists-engineers-etc)
    -Creation of Un-manned mechanical defenses (Computer control SAM missiles and such) and rotational militias for defense.
  4. Sentinel
    1. Revolution -- capitalism hinders progress and it's removal and replacement with a better, more effective system must be our top priority.
    2. Progress -- both technological and social as these are intertwined.
    3. Secularity -- organised religion must be utterly eliminated as a social actor, our goal should be an all-atheist society
    4. Transcendence -- and immortality for everyone equally.

    I agree with Piet1111's points, as well as those of Johnny Darko. I disagree some with GeneCosta, as I wish to abolish the state.

    Control of the Technate (with or without, but likely with, advice/briefing/info from specialists-scientists-engineers-etc)
    If we go for the technocratic model, all workers remaining will be specialists and engineers. Rest will be freed from work, kind of an aristocracy. So technocracy = worker control of means of production.
  5. Dimentio
    1. Establishment of a dynamic equilibrum. Means that the society is a resource circulation society which utilises resources in the most efficient possible way. Achieved through energy accounting. Brings social equality and ecological sustainability.

    2. Establishment of a confederacy of autonomous communities. Instead of having the issues affecting people decided on the top level, we should create a communitarian society based around autonomous communities. All social issues which could be handled on that level should that. The confederacy should have a constitution guaranteeing human rights.

    3. Human evolution. I think we ought to start developing ourselves through transhumanism, phasing out death and diseases.
  6. Dystisis
    3. Secularity -- organised religion must be utterly eliminated as a social actor, our goal should be an all-atheist society
    I would specify that we should aim to have a populace updated (meaning educated in) and active on the field of scientific research and secular education. Having an all-atheist society as a goal requires a specific direction of science that doesn't necessarily comply with reality. Just to be precise.
  7. Sentinel
    Having an all-atheist society as a goal requires a specific direction of science that doesn't necessarily comply with reality.
    Well I am sure it is both possible, and desirable. The theories that religion cannot diminish within a class society have been proven false by welfare state capitalist countries like Sweden (and Norway, I see that you are from the western neighbor. I am in Stockholm ).

    The reason I desire religion's maximal disappearence from society, is that only people free from mental chains can be actually free, and equal.
  8. Dimentio
    Even if God exists, he is physically and mathematically explainable, and thus follow the material laws of the universe. His existence (if, against all odds proven) does not require us to worship him.
  9. Dystisis
    Even if God exists, he is physically and mathematically explainable, and thus follow the material laws of the universe. His existence (if, against all odds proven) does not require us to worship him.
    Agreed, which is why I want a secularily educated society, with more or less enlightened people aware of scientific discoveries and theories. Which I find to be more precise than saying that I want an all-atheist society.

    Well I am sure it is both possible, and desirable. The theories that religion cannot diminish within a class society have been proven false by welfare state capitalist countries like Sweden (and Norway, I see that you are from the western neighbor. I am in Stockholm ).
    I am from Oslo. Seems to me Nordic countries are disproportionally represented in here. Not that that's a bad thing.
  10. Raúl Duke
    Raúl Duke
    I also agree with Sentinel's 2-4 (I thought # 1 was a given ) and Serpent's 2-3.

    If we go for the technocratic model, all workers remaining will be specialists and engineers. Rest will be freed from work, kind of an aristocracy. So technocracy = worker control of means of production.
    That sounds better than what I was imagining previously.
  11. MarxSchmarx
    A society where everyone will be natural scientists, humanistic scholars, and artists; we'd all have our hobbies, like managing a tree plantation or designing homes, but our primary occupation will be the expansion of knowledge for its own sake or the creation of artistic work.