How immediatly could Technocracy be implemented?

  1. al8
    I've been thinking alot about this. Would it be smart or pure folly to rely on labor-notes in an intermediary sense? What would be most conducive for the earliest implementation?
  2. Dimentio
    Even if we politically control all of a continent and economically all of its resources, I think a cautious, gradual implementation has to be made, since we are dealing with a generation used to the Price System.

    But I would say at least 15 years from initiation to completion of a technate, and then several generations in restructuration of the infrastructure.
  3. Sentinel
    I have actually been considering LTV's as a possible interim method too.
  4. Dimentio
    We have discussed some form of "semi-flat" distribution method of energy units at the beginning. Everyone receives a basic income, and then some income is added.
  5. Cult of Reason
    Cult of Reason
    I think that there should first be an ad-hoc Communist system that then incorporates Technocratic elements (like Energy Accounting and the separation of social and technical organisation) once the chaos is over. Scarcity economics must, in my opinion, be entirely done away with before we set up the Technate. In addition, this Communism must already be integrated/federated on a continental scale (if it is not already, then make it so), before a Technate can be organised.

    I am very sceptical about any use of labour notes or any other form of exchange for any period post-Revolution.