Subterreanean Maturation of Consciousness

  1. MilitantWorker
    I was just wondering, what activities or interactions define the term "subterranean maturation" as seen in a lot of left communist texts?

    I understand very well why the term is used, but are we talking about specific actions, or more so processes that take place while the class struggle is on the uptick intensifying?
  2. Alf
    This gives the general concept:

    let me know if it clarifies anything....
  3. Leo
    Do we have a non-polemic article dealing with this issue?
  4. MilitantWorker
    That article wasn't bad at all, I've read it before and even some of the sources and I was just wondering if there was maybe a more specific pamphlet on this or what but I guess not

    any reading material would interest me really...thanks!
  5. Alf
    Regarding specifics - obviously a lot of the subterranean maturation is by definition not immediately observable as it is taking place inside people's heads, in growing contradictions between reality and long-held illusions...but the tip of the iceberg is precisely the emergence of minorities posing fundamental questions about the existing system, whether in struggle groups, discussion circles, internet discussion boards, or political organisations.....On a wider level, it can seen in struggles where workers put into practise the lessons of past struggles, or consciously try to learn them. One good example of this was the discussions that took place inn the student assemblies in the anti-CPE struggle of 2006, where there was a real desire to discuss the lessons of the 1968 movement. More recently we have the struggle group that emerged out of the tekel strike in turkey - and of course the emergence of left communists on revleft!