10,000 tear

  1. marxist123
    "why", cry's the child who lost her mother
    "why",cry's the child who lost his brother

    through tear drop by tear drop
    a flow that will not stop

    "please", cry's the child who has not eatin
    "please ,no more" cry's the child who has been beatin

    through pain of a leather belt
    through pain of love never felt

    "for what" asks the child who marches off to war
    "for what" asks the child as the police break in his door

    through all the hate they make
    through all the fear they create

    10,000 tears of loneliness and pain
    10,000 tears of a world gone insane
    10,000 tears all in vain

    10,000 tear washed away in the rain

    written by marxist123