
  1. Atlee
    I would like to point out this one thing. The welcome message cites the word "left" three times in one paragraph. I think this is what we have in common first towards unity.


    Having noted the usage of the word "left" repeatedly from the welcoming message to time after time in the threads of RevLeft including the website's name,

    Therefore, be it resolved that our first point of unity be no enemies on the Left.
  2. Stand Your Ground
    Stand Your Ground
    I guess that would only include TRUE leftists?
  3. Atlee
    I guess that would only include TRUE leftists?
    The word "true" is a paradox and was never included. Only the individual can say what is in their mind, heart, and soul. Those who come willingly to the Left do so without judgement and they should not judge.
  4. Stand Your Ground
    Stand Your Ground
    The word "true" is a paradox and was never included. Only the individual can say what is in their mind, heart, and soul. Those who come willingly to the Left do so without judgement and they should not judge.
    Well I was saying as people who hold any prejudice view shouldn't be considered a true leftist.
  5. Atlee
    Well I was saying as people who hold any prejudice view shouldn't be considered a true leftist.
    Prejudice is not a socialistic value. Do you see the paradox already?

    It is like say,"Hate is a family value." This is why "true" only should appear on a pop quiz test.
  6. Property Is Robbery
    Property Is Robbery
    I love you guys because I hate all the bickering between M-L's and Anarchists. But at least the hatred of Capitalism is something we can all agree on
  7. rland
    Considering the two views regarding leftist truth.. could you clarify if leftism would include willingness for 'one-night stands' and the ethical use of willing bodies, of which that involves? Cant a paradox have truth? Many 'leftists' I know see this as perfectly acceptable, without considering responsibility for others by means of a deeper connection and the fact that sexualised behaviour is usually manufactured.
  8. freethinker
    I really want a unified Left... but all of the different groups continue to betray each other.. that is why the U.S.S.R collapsed
    Instead of Republicans and a Democrats in a capitalist system it is Anti Revisionists and Satanists in an aspiring Socialist System
  9. mario1029
    The debate over Leftists is both complex, and interesting. If examining the position of Left governments (Left Communism, Council, Communism, Sections of Trotskyism) from a Marxist-Leninist perspective, we most discourage these beliefs, and Comrade Lenin is ever warning against certain "Left" groups. In fact, he has a very precise and direct quote on the subject. Read his manuscript entitled, "Left-Wing Communism: an Infantile Disorder". Thank you for your time Comrades.
  10. mario1029
    Also, the Left fail to explain how the process of voting and "Polls" under the Czarist Government could have resulted in a Socialist Victory. Not only the fixed elections are hindering to Marxist progression, but Marx states the violent revolution of the Proletariat is a fundamental aspect of Marxism, and a True Vanguard Party must lead this fight.