Rocker and materialism

  1. Black Sheep
    in anarchism and anarchosyndicalism

    ["this" = refers to voluntary socialism]

    This disposes also of the theory maintained by Marx and his followers that the state, in the form of a proletarian dictatorship, is a necessary transitional stage to a classless society, in which the state, after the elimination of all class conflicts and then the classes themselves, will dissolve itself and vanish from the canvas.

    For this concept, which completely mistakes the real nature of the state and the significance in history of the factor of political power, is only the logical outcome of so-called economic materialism, which sees in all the phenomena of history merely the inevitable effects of the methods of production of the time. Under the influence of this theory people came to regard the different forms of the state and all other social institutions as a "juridical and political superstructure on the economic edifice" of society, and thought that they had found in it the key to every historic process. In reality every section of history affords us thousands of examples of the way in which the economic development of countries was set back for centuries by the state and its power policy.
    Rocker opposes the 'social conditions are a results of economic conditions'.
  2. syndicat
    he's opposing economic determinism. however, some marxists hold that the function of the state is to defend the interests of the dominating classes without being economic determinists. i think he wants to point out that the state bureaucracy have their own interests, and the state with its forces of destruction (army, police) are a material power in their own right. this is true, but I do think there is a tendency, which he admits I think, that there is a tendency for the state to defend interests of the dominant classes in a class divided society.