Union List

  1. Forward Union
    Forward Union

    • Britain

    UNISON is Britain and Europe's biggest public sector union with more than 1.3 million members. www.unison.org.uk

    Transport and General Workers' Union - the campaigning union throughout Britain and Ireland, General union for any worker. www.tgwu.org.u

    Unite the union is dedicated to serving the needs and best interests of its members who are currently experiencing life in the modern workplace. www.amicustheunion.org

    Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) is a union unlike any other. It is a grassroots, democratic and militant union that seeks to organise ALL workers in ALL industries in ALL countries ... www.iww.org.uk
    • Spain

    Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) adherido a la Asociación Internacional de los Trabajadores (AIT) - Sindicato de Clase.
    www.cnt.es/ - 29k

    Confederacion General del Trabajo (CGT)Sindicato nacido de la escisión más moderada de la CNT española.
    www.cgt.es/ - 63k


    [FONT=Arial][FONT=Verdana]Priama akcia Anarcho Syndicalist Union http://www.priamaakcia.sk/[/FONT][/FONT]

    Sweden: The SAC, Sveriges Arbetares Centralorganisation. The name translates 'central organisation of Sweden's workers', and means that it organises workers regardless of branch. It is a syndicalist union and ultimately strives for the creation of a libertarian socialist society. Currently about 7000 members.

    The website available in: Swedish English Spanish
    • International

    Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) International Industrial union, with branches in many parts of the world (website in multiple languages)

    International Workers Association International Anarcho Syndicalist Federation, includes the spanish CNT. http://www.iwa-ait.org/
  2. Sentinel
    Sweden: The SAC, Sveriges Arbetares Centralorganisation. The name translates 'central organisation of Sweden's workers', and means that we organise workers regardless of branch. We are a syndicalist union and ultimately strive for the creation of a libertarian socialist society. We have about 7000 members.

    Our website is available in:
