The union wars: UNITE v HERE v SEIU v NHUW

  1. bayano
    I bet I can predict the opinions of some of the folks on this board as pertaining to the terrible internal war that especially erupted in the US Labor movement last year. It broke up UNITE HERE, pitted those folks against each other, HERE against SEIU, SEIU against NHUW, and a host of others unions were in the fray in low intensity roles. It's been a year since the worst of it began, and tensions have not yet abated. Now, I researched and wrote plenty on this crisis, and I think it's silly to take sides- theyre all important labor unions as well as top-down organizations committing what should be considered war crimes amongst unions, including decertification campaigns.

    The more important thing I was trying to figure out was how to stop some of the fall-out (loss of members; businesses taking advantage of the civil war), how to radicalize members among them, and to come up with a more dynamic analysis than taking sides or dismissing them all. What have been people's thoughts?