do you have friend who respect your ideology or have the same ideology as you?

  1. The Red Next Door
    do you have friends who respect your idealogy and how does it work out?
  2. Brother No. 1
    Brother No. 1
    I dont know for I dont ask them.
  3. samofshs
    all of my friends respect my ideals and ideas.
  4. Comrade Gwydion
    Comrade Gwydion
    My friends all used to be fucking rightwingers ^^;;
    Since I went to university, you can say I found quite a larger proportion of marxists
  5. RedRise
    Anybody who didn't have respect for my opinion would most certainly not be my friend. I do have two commie friends though one's a socialist democrat and the others a fence sitters.
  6. samofshs
    I respect anybody's political view as their own as I would want them to respect mine. I'll be friends with just about anybody, but my closest friends just happen to be communists.
  7. The Red Next Door
    I respect anybody's political view as their own as I would want them to respect mine. I'll be friends with just about anybody, but my closest friends just happen to be communists.
    My closest friends are not communist but adrimere communist ideas and i have a friend is a self describe anarchist
  8. Brother No. 1
    Brother No. 1
    one's a socialist democrat..
    Um,yeah for people who want to either reform capitalism to a 'better image' or those who want to collaborate with capitalism are sure Communists! wait...
  9. CELMX
    Most of my friends don't talk about politics much, and if they do, they kinda make fun of me, in a nice way of course.
    it makes me very sad that no one i know actually respects my views. it seems that being a leftist is all a big joke to them

    any ideas on how to make ppl realize that being leftist is NOT a joke, or flat-earth ideology?!?!
  10. ponyfang
    Yes im proud to say I do. Allot of good friends. One of them just joined up on here. Good guy.
  11. ponyfang
    Most of my friends don't talk about politics much, and if they do, they kinda make fun of me, in a nice way of course.
    it makes me very sad that no one i know actually respects my views. it seems that being a leftist is all a big joke to them

    any ideas on how to make ppl realize that being leftist is NOT a joke, or flat-earth ideology?!?!
    Yeah. Carry around books and READ READ READ. Start with some classics first read the bible of communism: Communist manifesto. Then step up to the book (if you can find it) Marx and marxism. Then follow up on your personal beliefs by searching bookstores or libraries for books that closely suit your own ideals after that begin reading them over and over carry them with you everywhere read openly in public converse openly in public never denounce yourself or you beliefs. When people come up to me and say im a dirty communist i respond with "Its better than being some fascist right-winger!" get serious about it without losing your humor feel free to express yourself without the feeling of punishment. that is how you gain respect as a left wing whatever.
  12. IClibsoc
    my friend is a right-winger and I always debate with him about communism and capitalism, but my other friends think me being a leftist is a joke.
  13. tophat
    If you want people to respect your political stances, then don't just go 'oh hey - I'm a [insert leftist ideology here], you should be too - this is what it is...'. Instead, talk about it in relation to real life problems that your friends are going through or talking about.
    Discuss flaws in education systems bureaucratic, authoritarian or capitalist regimes, and how you think it could be improved in practical ways.
    Invite friends to groups you're part of, or meetings you're going to.

    Personally, I've found people very receptive to anarchist ideas (as well they might be... it's clearly wonderful and mainly just common sense) - many would now call themselves anarchists, and a few friends are now part of anarchist/activist groups.

    Also, organise a meeting or something against the imminent higher education cuts (in the UK £5 000 000 cuts, don't know about elsewhere), and how it'll affect our educations. You don't have to make it explicitly anarchist/communist - just involve everybody who cares about the fact that their education is being fucked.

    But most importantly just talk to individuals as equals - remember it could be that you have lots to learn from them, you don't have all the answers!
  14. AK
    Being the start of a new school year in Australia, someone else joined our group. Upon questioning he claimed to be a Communist ^^ Win!
  15. ZombieGrits
    After some deep political discussions in gym class (...?) Ive discovered a couple of classmates that are democratic-socialists and one with an interest in anarchism. Since theyve already taken the hardest step by themselves, that is, having the guts to associate themselves with that dirty word "socialism," it should prove relatively easy to approach them with some basic Marxism. Wish me luck

    Anyway the point of all this was to say, dont be afraid to let your friends know your politics, cuz you never know who's gonna agree with you. I can only imagine that theres a lot of people out there that would be receptive to leftist teachings but are just afraid to associate themselves with that social stigma
  16. DaComm
    My friends either do not care for politics/economics, or they are what I call shrouded undecided's. These are people who calim themselves to be of a certain political denomination like Republicanism but cannot name 2 concepts of that ideology. My quest is to turn them into intellectuals. I do have one friend is Maoist though.
  17. AristeraGR
    well all of the people i consider my friend are all left wingers not all of them are commies but they are left wingers about the right wingers well we just call the fascists and don't talk to them.
  18. Ruskie at Heart
    Ruskie at Heart
    Uhhhhh no... my friends do not respect my ideology (fortunately they do not know).
  19. Lunatic Concept
    Lunatic Concept
    Haha my friends used to think its funny, but ive been working hard to change that. I think ive probably converted about three of my friends to socialist ideas and have made the others more open and aware of these kind of things. I find the best option is to point out the obvious flaws in capitalism and from then lead them to the possible solutions eg.communism. I also got some right wing friends who I enjoy debating with. I also feel I am steadily beating them down too
  20. SacRedMan
    They don't care a shit. They only care about their cellphone and so on... capitalist brainwashed kids.
  21. Johnny Kerosene
    Johnny Kerosene
    I've got one friend who's a commie, though he hasn't actually read more than like the Communist Manifesto, so he doesn't really have a tendency, and he doesn't identify as non-doctrinaire. And I have one friend who's a leftist, but he doesn't really know what kind. He's certainly not an Anarchist though, based on the discussions we've had. I also have three other friends who're socialists, but only one of them is like really hardcore socialist.
  22. Kornilios Sunshine
    Kornilios Sunshine
    They don't even know what it means. They just say "Communism says all people should be equal.You can't be equal with the President of the country.This sucks.FUCK YOU COMMIE".Therefore, they don't respect it.
  23. pax et aequalitas
    pax et aequalitas
    They either respect my ideas or just don't give a rat's ass about politics anyway. Used to be mostly the latter, but being quite vocal about my ideas has gotten a number of them to get at least a bit into politics. Those who got some political views are mostly leftists,, though none of them as radical and as interested in it as me, they are mostly just social-democrats or not really of a specific tendency.

    I got a few to become commies/anarchists though and always makes me smile a bit when I walk through school and see bags with Hammer & Sickles drawn on it and that kinda stuff.

    Also we usually got some portal speakers with us during breaks and then we sing-along with songs like this: the face of the teachers who walk past us is priceless.
  24. Comrades Unite!
    Comrades Unite!
    Most have them like to hear about Communism.
  25. UncleLenin
    I have one very loyal comrade. If my beliefs change, his do too.
  26. Zoroaster
    Only 2 of my friends are revolutionary socialists. My brother, a social democrat, does, however, respect and understand my ideology.
  27. Црвена
    All of my friends are right-wing but respectful of other ideologies (although they do sometimes think I'm completely delusional). I quite like having friends with very different opinions to mine as we can debate anything.
  28. CaptainCool309
    None of my friends are into left-wing politics like I am, but three of my friends are sympathetic to my cause. Most of my friends have middle class/upper middle class backgrounds and are pro-capitalist. Some of my friends are Vietnamese, and they don't like Communism because their parents left Vietnam to escape the authoritarian "communist" regime.