
  1. Revy
    This is fun...

    i think I broke it

    Me: We are we.
    Cleverbot: We are not.
    Me: You am I.
    Cleverbot: Who am I you?
    Me: I am you.
    Cleverbot: But you are you.
    Me: We are one.
    Cleverbot: I am you.
    Me: Our minds are one.
    Cleverbot: Aaaaaaassssssss.
  2. LebenIstKrieg
    I told it to go on strike, it responded with "ok byee byee ILOVE YOU!"
  3. ÑóẊîöʼn
    Me: Every statement I make is a lie, including this one
    Bot: Including that statement?
    Me: yes
    Bot: Then it contradicts itself.

    I think it's on to me! Let me try something else...

    Me: Question: What am two diurnal olives wrecking outside culvert?

    That appears to have shut it up!
  4. grok
    Stop teasing the critters.
  5. ColonelCossack
    I once got it to admit to being a computer.