Quotes for 'defending' Stalin

  1. bailey_187
    “Any historical figure must be evaluated from the interests of one class or another. Take J. Edgar Hoover, for example. Anti-communists may disagree about his performance, but they start from the assumption that the better he did his job of perserving ‘law and order’ as defined by our present rulers, the better he was. We Communists, on the other hand, certainly would not think Hoover ‘better’ if he had been more efficient in running the secret police and protecting capitalism. And so the opposite with Stalin, whose job was not to preserve capitalism but to destroy it, not to suppress communism but to advance it. The better he did his job, the worse he is likely to seem to all those who profit from this economic system and the more he will be appreciated by the victims of that system.” - Bruce Franklin

    "How did our bankers and captains of industry from London and Paris create their industrial base? Would their industrialisation have been possible without the looting of the gold and silver from the Indian kings, looting that was accompanied by the extermination of 60 million American Indians? WOuld it have been possible without the monstrous bloodbath carried out in Africa? i.e. the slave trade. UNESCO estimates African losses at 210 million. Would our industrialisation have been possible without the colonialisation that turned whole peoples into prisoners into prisoners in their own countries?
    Those who industrialised that little corner of the earth europe on the basis of millions of native deaths are now telling us that Bolshevik repression against the propetier classes was an abomination?" - Ludo Martens

    "If Soviet industrialisation did have to effected by means of a repression of the 5% who happened to be rich and/or reactionary, it is also true that capitalist industrialisation was born by the same well heeled 5% against the whole of the working masses of their own countries and the oppressed countries" - Ludo Martens

    Some of the Ludo Martens quotes may be abit wrong as i wrote them out of a book then typed them up so i may have missed bits out
  2. Arti
    It is not strange that Stalin is demonised by his natural enemies. The sad thing is that Stalin needs defence from the people who claim to be communists. To defend his work is one of the most important tasks of today. Instead of puting a quotation i'll put a link to site which contains a few interesting articles demistifying lies about Him.