U.S kids brainwashed

  1. Misanthrope
    At my school you can barely find any other religion but you can find Christains everywhere. They say "the bible proves everything,etc." I either laugh at them or scold them, mostly scolding, and they actually find it odd that someone at their school isnt a christain. They constantly say "are you an atheist?" and it gets really annoying to the you the truth. Then the teacher wouldnt want religion being talked about in her class.
    Some acquaintances of mine think atheism and satanism are one in the same..
  2. A Revolutionary Tool
    A Revolutionary Tool
    Some acquaintances of mine think atheism and satanism are one in the same..
    Same here, I've had best friends call me "satanist" when I told them I was an athiest. But that's the mentality of Christians. If you worship something else or nothing at all, that is worshiping satan. Buddhism, Islam, Shintoism, athiesm,etc,etc, were all created by satan to stray you from the narrow path that is Christianity. Damn I would hate to have that narrow mentality .
  3. Grey-Fox
    I remember last year in my (completely biased) history class that I had to do a report on Pol Pot. to get an A, I lied my ass off and said everything they wanted to hear... a week later I made a follow-up essay and stated the actual problems and the U.S. hiding the truth from its citizens and how the United Snakes of Amerikkka infact funded Cambodia to fight off the Vietnamese... of course I was looked upon as an American hating heretic... but I got the truth out.
  4. Brother No. 1
    Brother No. 1
    LOL this is one argument I had with one of them

    "Do you believe in god?"
    "what did I tell you last year?"
    "I dont remember... But god created the earth."
    "If God created the earth then who created god?"
    "God did."
    "So why did he create himself?"
    "thats what I thought."
  5. LeninKobaMao
    That's bloody ridiculous! One of my teachers used to pick on me coz I was the only non-christian in the class and she once gave me a zero mark on what i thought was a brilliant two page essay! It just goes to show that with discrimination is still alive and kicking. The way I reason it is that - as a rule - teachers are never fair to more then one party which is usually themselves.
    Yeah she gave me 25% for saying that it is impossible that Stalin killed so many people. And I have got discrimination because I am an atheist too.
  6. LeninKobaMao
    LOL this is one argument I had with one of them

    "Do you believe in god?"
    "what did I tell you last year?"
    "I dont remember... But god created the earth."
    "If God created the earth then who created god?"
    "God did."
    "So why did he create himself?"
    "thats what I thought."
    OMG! That is basically my conversation with Christians.
  7. Brother No. 1
    Brother No. 1
    Yeah she gave me 25% for saying that it is impossible that Stalin killed so many people.
    then she should read Soviet Repressions: at few comments.
  8. Comrade Gwydion
    Comrade Gwydion
    My best pals were fundamental market-liberals. Guys were good fun though. There were quite a lot of moderate leftists, and indeed most of the people there didn't give a fuck about politics. Had nice discussions. Good times.

    Nowadays, I'm at university, and there are quite some more Red's here. Me and a comrade were thinking about founding a socialist student-union. I really should bring that idea up again.

    And about Satanism, reminds me about a nice anekdote. My most right-wing friend and me would do an assignment together for philosophy class. The teacher said it shouldn't only be about ethics, but it should also be ethical. For an example, Satanism would not be a good subject. Immedeately me and my friend asked if we could try and prove that it was an ethical subject. (Even though both of us arn't Satanists, and I really despise that body of inconsistent lies of LaVey's)
    In the end, 50% of the class got a 10/10, but we got a 9.5/10, just to get even at us
    (It didn't matter, because it would be rounded anyway, so we had quite a laugh about it )
  9. The Ben G
    The Ben G
    I hang around all of the anarchists and communists at my school. Everybody thinks that my freind is a nazi (?) because he drew hammer and sickles and "bush sucks" every where. He also got suspended for that.
  10. RedRise
    The only other guy who said he was commie was only saying it so people would be scared of him which pretty much stuffed up any chance I had at getting a message across. Now he's gotten bored of that and is a self-confessed 'Redneck' even though we're in Australia (where I didn't think the term redneck existed - but it just goes to show how America influences everything we do). My best friend is known as a Pinko but she's generally a fence-sitter.
    As for religion, well, my school is pretty much 50/50 Christians and Atheists with a few Muslims but it's generally the atheists that dominate (we're supposed to be a 'smart' school). Different opinions on what paganism actually is include; worshiping dolls, worshipping trees, being a druid, dancing naked around a fire, sacrificing various animals and (of course) worshipping the devil. I don't think they get what I mean when I say "I don't worship anything."
  11. The Ben G
    The Ben G
    As for religion, well, my school is pretty much 50/50 Christians and Atheists with a few Muslims but it's generally the atheists that dominate (we're supposed to be a 'smart' school). Different opinions on what paganism actually is include; worshiping dolls, worshipping trees, being a druid, dancing naked around a fire, sacrificing various animals and (of course) worshipping the devil. I don't think they get what I mean when I say "I don't worship anything."
    I bring books on paganism to school. I find the subject of religion interesting. The books also scare away the christians and rednecks.
    So than somebody on my bus walke up to me and called me a 'devilist'. So I said, "you mean satanist?". So then I told him that I was an agnostic and told him to go away. The next day he comes with a cross around his neck (to ward me away maybe?).
  12. RedRise
    So than somebody on my bus walke up to me and called me a 'devilist'. So I said, "you mean satanist?". So then I told him that I was an agnostic and told him to go away. The next day he comes with a cross around his neck (to ward me away maybe?).
    lol! He didn't even know what he was talking about! Luckily I haven't had much of the warding off experience. Most people ask me if my parents are pagan as if they think I'm being forced into it or something like they apparently think the Muslim girls are.
  13. Dante the Marxist
    Some kid tried to convert me...

    I didnt know wether to laugh or run away.
  14. The Ben G
    The Ben G
    Some kid tried to convert me...

    I didnt know wether to laugh or run away.
    You should laugh. Tell them "If jeebus really wanted to make me a christian, I would already be one" If they are a christian. If not, throw stuff at them.
  15. The Ben G
    The Ben G
    lol! He didn't even know what he was talking about! Luckily I haven't had much of the warding off experience. Most people ask me if my parents are pagan as if they think I'm being forced into it or something like they apparently think the Muslim girls are.
    I think there jelous because Im the only guy at my school that plays bagpipes AND listens to punk and metal
  16. RedRise
    Some kid tried to convert me...

    I didnt know wether to laugh or run away.
    My relatives make constant 'subtle' attempts at converting me. Generally I pretend I'm oblivious to the hints that are as loud as dropping a draw full of silverware. Ever tried acting like you're trying to convert them?

    I think there jelous because Im the only guy at my school that plays bagpipes AND listens to punk and metal
    Err... nice combination. ;-)
  17. The Essence Of Flame Is The Essence Of Change
    We never had religion problems here.80% of the students are atheist but sadly that doesn't equate them being any more progressive or politically aware >< There is a small conserva-christian minority who will avoid you like a leper when you tell you are an atheist,but what the heck they avoid almost anyone...The rest either believe in god but hate the church (since it has much power in Greece and is always on some economical scandal) or just believe in ''a higher power'' vaguely

    The teachers though are pretty fucked up as everywhere.Back in primary school I had my parents called in school and asked if I was a satanist The reason?I was the first kid in school to read harry potter and I lented it to the other children,including the teacher's daughter :P
  18. The Red Next Door
    My honors politics teacher is a real rightist, he always expressing his conservative view but everybody in class express theirs to, but it seems they get a little brainwash when talk about people money getting taken away from them. I have classmate is a conservative and she somewhat of a *****
  19. toughlove
    I'm quickly getting the impression that this group is full of younger Comrades who just want to rebel against authority (which I completely understand: you all are so refreshingly idealistic). IMHO, its a perfectly ok tactic to give into the bullshit (to some degree). For ex., the school I went to had a number of very active Christians. I used to argue until I was blue in the face, and they would just keep up with their inanities. Finally, I decided I wanted to be saved, so I went through the ritual of being baptised (actually, re-baptised since I was already when I was an infant) and that was that. I still read Communist literature, and whenever any conversations about politics came up, I would always point out the Christian communist movements (the Diggers etc) and the Revolutionary Theologists of Latin America (Paulo Friere et al.).

    Lesson: sometimes its best to avoid rocking the boat, although there's definitely a time and place for that as well.
  20. RedRise
    You gotta remember it's the younger generations that are gonna start the revolution when the time comes so it's good that we're all politically active and such. And I, personally, am not here to rebel against authority (I'm not going to speak for others).
    Also, I think if Christians really thought about their faith (no offense, I'm just stereotyping here) a lot more of them would be commies - Jesus was practically a commie!
  21. samofshs
    At my school you can barely find any other religion but you can find Christains everywhere. They say "the bible proves everything,etc." I either laugh at them or scold them, mostly scolding, and they actually find it odd that someone at their school isnt a christain. They constantly say "are you an atheist?" and it gets really annoying to the you the truth. Then the teacher wouldnt want religion being talked about in her class.
    I'm a christian. I'm also a radical marxist. in fact, I run a group of 20-30 christian communists. can we try to separate the line between religion and politics here? if you want to discuss my views with me in a peaceable manner, I'd be more than happy to. just not in this thread.
  22. samofshs
    LOL this is one argument I had with one of them

    "Do you believe in god?"
    "what did I tell you last year?"
    "I dont remember... But god created the earth."
    "If God created the earth then who created god?"
    "God did."
    "So why did he create himself?"
    "thats what I thought."
    oh, and the people in our group are much more informed than whoever that conversation was with. the bible doesn't even say anything about G d creating himself. youre right, THAT IS stupid.
  23. Brother No. 1
    Brother No. 1
    I'm a christian.
    Ok, am I suppose to care?

    I'm also a radical marxist.
    If you werent you wouldnt be here.

    in fact, I run a group of 20-30 christian communists.
    On revleft,yes? Well alot of people run groups but does this mean anything? No not really.

    can we try to separate the line between religion and politics here?
    In my said post I said nothing about a line where religion and politics fit. Those christains at my school are liberals, you are not. Hence no agression against you unless you show liberal style.

    if you want to discuss my views with me in a peaceable manner, I'd be more than happy to. just not in this thread.
    Um, when did I say I want to discuss anything?
  24. samofshs
    all I'm trying to say is that in these types of threads people tend to use the word christian as a word for non-communist sheeple. I just ask that we all try to avoid generalizations as they can be VERY offensive. and who would want to offend a komrade?
  25. The Ben G
    The Ben G
    Back in primary school I had my parents called in school and asked if I was a satanist The reason?I was the first kid in school to read harry potter and I lented it to the other children,including the teacher's daughter :P
    A couple weeks ago the office at my school called me up and acused me of being a nazi KKK member . The reason why? I had the same first name as somebody else at the school who was bullying some girl I had never met. I got out of it by explaining my beleifs. 3 people with the same first name got called up because of their first names. Shows that fascist witch-hunts are still used in the US of A .
  26. The Ben G
    The Ben G
    all I'm trying to say is that in these types of threads people tend to use the word christian as a word for non-communist sheeple. I just ask that we all try to avoid generalizations as they can be VERY offensive. and who would want to offend a komrade?
    I understand. I have freinds who are christians.
  27. samofshs
    I understand. I have freinds who are christians.
    thank you for being understanding.
  28. Chambered Word
    Chambered Word
    I used to think everyone knew what was meant by 'dictatorship of the proletariat', boy have I been mistaken...

    You gotta remember it's the younger generations that are gonna start the revolution when the time comes so it's good that we're all politically active and such. And I, personally, am not here to rebel against authority (I'm not going to speak for others).
    Also, I think if Christians really thought about their faith (no offense, I'm just stereotyping here) a lot more of them would be commies - Jesus was practically a commie!
    It's true what you say about the younger generations, society is progressing more and more and there are lots of other open minded teenagers out there.

    I just like to think of Jesus as a crazy hippie, if he really did exist (which I doubt). If he was real, I'm sure he was baked most of the time.

    As for starting a communist party at your school, I was considering the same at mine. I'm sure we could start some kind of youth group in Perth if we tried.
  29. CELMX
    I just like to think of Jesus as a crazy hippie, if he really did exist (which I doubt). If he was real, I'm sure he was baked most of the time.
    omfg...jesus was a real person. However, since, obviously, i'm an anti-theist, jesus was some crazy, hallucinating man with some good intentions, like helping the poor, but horribly destructive belief in God.

    As for starting a communist party at your school, I was considering the same at mine. I'm sure we could start some kind of youth group in Perth if we tried.
    See, I've thought about creating a youth organization like that, but considering my inability to socialize, and being the only leftist at my conservative school, I kind of dropped this.
    Whenever I try to educate about leftism, they usually say "looks good on paper, but doesn't work." -_-

    But, as for you, good luck!
  30. Red Subverter
    Red Subverter
    When I was in 8th grade, I used to heckle in the back of my classroom when we were "learning" about communism. I was telling everyone the truth about communism, and everyone thought I was evil because they believed everything the indoctrinator said. lol good times. Now I'm in AP World History, so it's a little bit better.