Why do vegans suck?

  1. ∞
    I don't hate them, some things we do to animals is rather barbaric (ehmmmm KFC)
    But man I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ve meat. And if some hippy wants shit fuck off, I'll kick your bony ass
  2. NGNM85
    Do you guys really think a person sucks just because they're vegan?

    You know there are a lot of reasons as to why a person would decide to eat a vegan diet.
    No, I don't have anything against vegans, per se. What I object to is this bogus extremist animal rights ideology. There are a lot of reasons to go vegan. Unfortunately, you almost never hear the really sound, logical reasons because they usually don't even mention them. Instead, we're subjected to this illogical nonsense.
  3. SolidarityScot
    They want to take away my choice to eat the meat of another animal?

    Sounds like borderline fascism to me.
  4. Tenka
    Furthermore, Orangutans and Chimpanzees are mostly vegetarian, they only rarely eat insects.
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMXk5Z6-IHY - Chimps enjoy the fresh, raw flesh of other primates, too.
  5. Rooster
    You can't even take a vegan out for a pint because apparently, beer isn't vegan.
  6. rylasasin
    Because most Vegan arguments I've seen boil down to the same few categories:

    1. Moralism. Moralism is an idealistic stance rather than a material one and therefore is a very shitty argument for anything since morality is pretty damn subjective.

    2. Good points, but ones that can't be fixed by veganism: Basically, they argue that "we kill X number of cows or factory farming might cause the end of the world via bacteria becoming immune to antibotics, or our sea trolling methods cause so much environmental damage" etc...
    ... which is true. However, the problem with this mentality is that it shifts the blame to meat eating and the solution to lifestyleism, instead of where it actually belongs: The capitalist mode of production and working class action respectively. Most of the non-moralistic issues that vegans bring up (other than the health ones) stem from the fact that food (plant OR animal), like everything else is produced and harvested for profit rather than human need. Sorry, but liberal lifestylism isn't going to change jack shit.

    3. Naturalistic Fallacy: Which ironically I see a lot of people on both sides falling into. Just because something "isn't natural" or "our bodies weren't evolved to do so" (lol evolutionary determinism.) doesn't mean jack shit. In fact, as leftists, we should be trying to go as far away from "nature" as possible.

    On top of that there's this whole mentality with vegans where they think they're smarter and superior to everyone else, which is complete and utter horseshit.
  7. motion denied
    motion denied
    they're, more often than not, silly billy liberals

    Also, they don't eat meat. I mean, dude...
  8. rylasasin
    Because veganism (especially "evangelical veganism") is a giant waste of time.

    As I've said, most of it is emotionalism, which is a pretty bogus argument. It's idealistic, liberalistic, and generally useless "vote with ur dollarz!!" lifestylism that serves no other real purpose than to be a bloated sideshow that further divides and distracts the left from real problems, and isn't really productive and at best offers some very marginal benefits.

    TL;dr: It's just not necessary, and it doesn't solve anything.

    You aren't going to stop imperialism by becoming a vegan. You are not going to stop racism or sexism by making 100 people vegan. You are not going to seize the means of production for the working class by turning 1000 people vegan. And you are most certainly not going to overthrow capitalism by making a million people vegan.