I still...

  1. Pogue
    Don't understand what role you guys see yourselves as having in class struggle. It seems you hold the idea that revolutionary organisation and situations develop naturally, so at what point do you see yourselves doing anything other than participating in these struggles as working class individuals?
  2. beltov
    Our role is that of a catalyst, to draw together the advanced minorities of the class in order to better defend and make wider known class positions through organised intervention, and to develop and deepen revolutionary theory through collective discussion and reflection. The role of the revolutionary minority is to be an active factor in the generalisation and deepening of class consciousness within the rest of the class. The Bolsheviks didn't call their paper Iskra for nothing -- it meant 'The Spark', with which to light the fire.

    I can talk from experience that revolutionary organisation does not 'develop naturally'. It's a constant battle to maintain, defend and extend a political organisation. Also, we don't participate in struggles as 'individuals', but as militants and sympathisers of left communist political organisations, with our press and publications, that present our collectively worked out positions and perspectives.

    So, we're not voluntarists or utopians, but we're not passive either. We're a minority, yes -- but a militant minority.