Question for jacob ritcher

    I'm really digging this social-proletocracy thing.So can you you explain the ideal society for this ideology I'm interested in seeing.
  2. Die Neue Zeit
    Die Neue Zeit
    The emphasis is on some form of participatory democracy, whether extremely republican or demarchic (no elections for administrative personnel, but random sortition). Instead of judges, the juries are made sovereign. Instead of standing armies, there are grassroots militias. Instead of overly paid politicians, there are mass assemblies and also representatives on workers' wages walking on a tight rope (instant recallability).

    Next comes the extension of this into socioeconomic affairs (the typical public ownership and control of the MOP).

    The collective agent for the above and for the below is, naturally, that class of manual, clerical, and professional workers known as the proletariat.

    Finally, economic activity would operate on the basis of labour time and not money, thus preventing wage labour and capital formation (M-C-M) in the first place.