
  1. Kassad
    Well, first of all, it's really nice to see the membership continue to grow in this group. It shows that we are very relevant and very powerful.

    Regardless, it's obvious that a lot of malinformed (not using it negatively) people come to this board. A lot of social-democrats, liberals and even conservatives are swayed to join the socialist movement. For lack of a better word, this is a massive competition. Unfortunately, many people fall into the elitist, decadent and illogical traps of Trotskyism and Anarchism in their infant stages.

    The key word here is 'unity'. Many of us are significant contributors to the forum and our words have significant impact, but we must appear unified.

    I'm looking for ways to do this and I'm totally open to suggestions, but here was my idea. I remember the Hoxhaists coming on here in decent size before they were ridiculed and most of them were either banner or left the forum out of disdain for the massive anarchist collective that consistently attacked them and refused to present logical arguments, instead choosing to just call them Stalinists. Regardless, when they all started setting their user title to 'Hoxhaist Union', they got a lot of attention and a decent amount of supporters. I'm proposing that we do something along the same lines. I really don't know what the user title would be, and I think setting all of our user titles to 'Stalinist' would be hilarious, as it would cause an uproar of irritated people on the forum, but I think we should collaborate on this. It's important that people observe the anti-revisionist tendency and see that, despite the fabrications in today's world, the failure of every revolution has come through revisionism.

    Thoughts? Comments?
  2. Charles Xavier
    Well, to begin with I don't think its a competition, honest revolutionaries will find where they lay in practice. To think this is a recruiting tool for the revolutionary struggle is a bit far fetched. Its a centre of learning, but also it seems that there are many people trying to find an easy way to learn without hitting the books. I am afraid we can only answer questions not provide the methodology that is given through reading extensively.

    I am a Marxist-Leninist and a member of a Marxist-Leninist Communist Party. I can only provide the learning and understanding I've acquired. We should promote reading Marx, Engels and Lenin. For Canadians, Tim Buck, who lead the party down a true marxist-leninist course. For Americans, John Reed, who wrote some beautiful books, I think ten days that shook the world was the best read to understand Dictatorship of the Proletariat. For Fascism, Georgi Dimitrov, his life is imbued with Class struggle, And it was a fatal mistake of the Communist Party of Bulgaria that caused the fascists to triumph, as they didn't support the Argarian government which was a peasant government when the right-wing overthrow the government in a coup d'etat. And his writing on how they made their mistakes and learned from it is a true testament of criticism and self-criticism as an important part of the communist movement.

    A communist literacy campaign is I think the struggle we should be waging, because there wouldn't be any anarchists if they read real criticisms of it from Lenin, Engels and Marx. Anarchists disappear. But Anarchists don't exist in real life here in Canada. They represent a group of disguntled youth who are rightly mad but aren't really organized or affliated with anything serious.

    What is a problem is the campaign to discredit every marxist or leninist Idea by using the term

    I think Marxist-Leninist is a good title, we are not Stalinists, but it isn't for the reason trotskyites or anarchists say we are.

    The term Stalinist is most commonly used on this forum by the ultra-left and right-wingers as a way to derail discussion.

    I think we should tell those philistines, I'm talking about (INSERT SUBJECT) what the fuck does Stalin have to do with it? Are you trying to derail discussion? Every time they bring up Stalin.

    Because the second they bring up Stalin they admit they are out of ideas. And they are being against us just for the sake of being against us.

    I think the best method is to answer questions in a mature way.

    However this group itself isn't one unified ideology, there are people here who subscribe to Ultra-left ideas also right-opportunist ones as well.

    Well shit disturbing will cause the ultra-left and right-wingers to outrage. I doubt it will lead to productive discussions rather more of an excuse of the derailing they have been used to when they don't have an answer.
  3. Wanted Man
    Wanted Man
    In terms of RevLeft, I don't think shit-disturbing of any kind is really necessary. But just by being comradely and acting in the spirit of unity here, we are already doing very well. If we continue that, more worthwhile people will join in time.

    Outside of RevLeft, unity of the communist movement is inevitable, but should not be characterised by opportunism. That's another discussion that would be good to have.
  4. hugsandmarxism
    I think that intelligently engaging the issues, and presenting the marxist-lenninist viewpoint as being a credible one, is the best tactic now, rather than simply angering anarchists, trotskyists and left-coms. I agree with TA II about a communist literacy campaign, but I think that (in addition to not wanting to do heavy reading) there are other reasons that the anarchists, Trots, and left-coms subscribe to that tendency. The bougeoise has effectively used the charicature of Stalin to both make communist ideology unacceptable to the masses in the west, as well as to divide the left against itself and hence isolate it as a threat. People are, surprisingly, able to reject the notion of capitalist ownership of the means of production yet are still unable to believe their highschool history teacher lied to them about Stalin. Hence we have "Diet Communism" and anarchism being the leading tendencies within western revolutionary leftist circles. We need to dispel myths, get people to read more about marxism-lennism, and we need to be both curteous and vigilent in this endeavor.
  5. Wanted Man
    Wanted Man
    Hence we have "Diet Communism" and anarchism being the leading tendencies within western revolutionary leftist circles.
    I would hardly say that. In some countries, we are basically in the same boat as them, i.e. utterly irrelevant. But in many others, the communist parties are consistently on top with thousands of people. RevLeft is not a representation of the real world, except when it comes to determining which American and British leftists have the loudest mouths...
  6. hugsandmarxism
    I would hardly say that. In some countries, we are basically in the same boat as them, i.e. utterly irrelevant. But in many others, the communist parties are consistently on top with thousands of people. RevLeft is not a representation of the real world, except when it comes to determining which American and British leftists have the loudest mouths...
  7. marxistcritic
    The CPUSA is no longer a strong party. Sure, it is large, but it is completely under the wing of the american democrat party. This is all Sam Webb's fault. Once he is elimenated, our movement in america may become seriuos and un-capitalistic, and, in, perhaps, 20 years, we may win the elections
  8. SecondLife
    Anarchist,trots and left-communists are good tools for bougeoise. They essentially don't want to destroy capitalism at all, but simple make it more democracy and social. And also nobody get anarchists seriously. Its brainwash, but not just ignorance. Of course communist tactics is explanation, but sometimes its head against the wall running. But if sometimes someone tired from explanations, then I think better than to declare itself as Stalinist, declare itself as Khmer Rouge or RAF.
  9. Bright Banana Beard
    Bright Banana Beard
    http://www.wpb.be/icm/95enprop.htm Winter bought up this good article, it still needs more work.
  10. Kassad
    In my opinion, the Party for Socialism and Liberation is the only party in this country that hasn't treaded into reformism and revisionism; through maintaining solidarity with states constructing socialism worldwide. Communist Party USA is a totally lost cause.

    On the original topic, I think setting your user title to Marxist-Leninist is the best means of portraying unity.