Why are you a vegetarian/vegan?

  1. leftistman
    Because I always went to a Jewish school, I always knew quite a bit about the Holocaust. We learned about the inhumane ways in which intelligent living things were thrown onto boxcars which would drive them to a cramped, filthy camp where they would be crammed into bunks, minimally fed, and often injected with needles, only to be systematically killed for the use of the German citizens by being made into lamps, soap, etc. I recently realized how hypocritical it is to mourn such a horrid era while continuing to buy into an equally wicked and selfish system when there are healthier alternatives that don't involve the killing of innocent living things.
  2. xREDNECKx
    I used to love meat,then I went to a slaughterhouse.The sight of animals being killed gave me nightmares.So I gave up animal progucts
  3. Goblin
    A mix of religious beliefs (Hinduism) and health
  4. xcore777
    I am vegan, because it's healthier, better for the environment and good for animals.
  5. TheDoctor1996
    I became a vegetarian in April/May 2013 for three main reasons:

    1. Studies have shown that vegetarians have better health than meat eaters (Google: "health benefits of a vegetarian diet").
    2. I have been a pacifist since 2012 and so eating meat and being a pacifist seemed incompatible to me.
    3. I was losing appetite for meat and I rarely ate fish so there was no loss giving up meat and fish.

    A few months after going vegetarian I given up eating eggs for health reasons but I still consume dairy products and honey.
    I still wear wool but I do try my best to avoid real leather especially regarding car upholstery.
  6. Comrade Jacob
    Ethical reasons, I was contemplating it for a few months and yesterday, I told people I will no longer eat meat. I plan to stick to this.
  7. Xena Warrior Proletarian
    Xena Warrior Proletarian
    Been a vegetarian for over a year, became a vegan the day before yesterday I dislike exploitation of all kinds.