Announcing INTERSECTIONS, Vol.1, Issue 3

  1. rogue
    Announcing INTERSECTIONS #3 - Newsletter of Common Action

    Common Action announces the third issue of our quarterly newsletter Intersections. Schools, coffee houses, factories and movie theaters from an anarchist perspective - straight to your neighborhood coffee shop, laundromat, bus stop, you name it!
    This issue's contents include:

    * Special Ed Forced Labor in Puget Sound Schools
    by Jeff Berryhill and Brooke Stepp

    * Not Just Strong Coffee, Coffee Strong! Interview with GI Coffee House organizer Joshua Simpson
    by Christa Kilduff

    * The Blame Games Against Workers: Bailouts, the Big Three, and the UAW
    by DP Aaron

    * Twilight: Hot or Not?
    Review by Rachel Skeen

    Intersections is available on-line as a PDF for reading and single page printing, and 11" x 17" printing. You can find it on our website at

    To get a hard copy, or to let us know what you think, hit us up at

    ***Who is Common Action?***
    We are a regional anarchist organization in the Northwest United States with members representing the cities of Bellingham, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia and Bremerton. Common Action members are involved in a variety of organizing projects and social movements, including immigrant solidarity, youth and student organizing, anti-war campaigns, workplace organizing, and much more.