Fuck protein

  1. Qayin
    Protein is the bourgeois system of control!
  2. Invincible Summer
    Invincible Summer
    "Fine dining" (bourgeois restaurantism) menus often contain little to no vegetable content, therefore it is inherently reactionary
  3. Circle E Society
    Circle E Society
    As a vegan I get a fine amount of protein and we buy no food!!!!!
  4. Invincible Summer
    Invincible Summer
    You dumpster dive? Interesting - I don't think I know anyone else that does that. Freegan or just a vegan who likes free shit? haha
  5. Qayin
    freegans eat dairy and meat still
  6. bellyscratch
    Freegan vegans obviously dont eat dairy and meat
  7. Unclebananahead
    I'm not against protein (from plant sources), just the frivolous use of animals, and the grotesque institution of factory farm meat production. A vegetarian/vegan diet is not, unlike according to conventional thinking, deficient in protein intake. Soy protein, amaranth protein, quinoa protein, etc. are all quite fine by me, and I enjoy soy products on a fairly regular basis. In case you were not aware, there are a number of veg body builders and athletes out there. If being veg was so protein deficient, how could anybody adopting such a diet survive, let alone build muscle mass or participate in competitive sports? So don't let anybody tell you that meat is somehow essential to human health, because it really isn't.

  8. Invincible Summer
    Invincible Summer
    Unclebananahead - I should let you know that the group name is a bit of a tongue-in-cheek reference at those who say that vegans/vegetarians don't get enough protein.

    I'm sure everyone here is practicing a healthy vegetarian/vegan diet.

    Oh yeah, and Mac Danzig is a vegan UFC fighter with a pretty good record so.. up yours, meat-eaters!
  9. Unclebananahead
    Oh, okay. I wasn't certain if you fellows were being serious or not. Silly me.
  10. Revy
    let's change the group name Vegans and Vegetarians.
  11. CommunityBeliever
    Check out hemp guys, hemp has so many benefits out side of nutrition and it is oppressed by the capitalists in the name of the "drug war." Hemp oil is the most perfect source of fats in the world and Hemp protein is the healthiest way for you to go about getting protein. Hemp protein isolate has way more protein then meat and it is healthier then diary such as Whey Protein.
  12. Misanthrope
    let's change the group name Vegans and Vegetarians.
    I agree.

    Protein is the shit.
  13. Stand Your Ground
    Stand Your Ground
    Alot of people don't understand that protein comes from more than just dead flesh.