
  1. Sean
    When I first started writing I noticed that in places, it just really sounded awful, awash with little factoids someone has gathered on the back of cornflakes boxes and crowbarred into the storyline (Unless you're Chuck Palanuik in which case you're laughing all the way to the bank). So I try and do as much research as possible instead of just pulling stuff out of the air.

    Being low (no) budget most of my research is taken from online, stalking (not physically) groups and organisations or visiting places, bar room interviews with interesting people etc.

    For example, one thing I'm looking for right now is a pile of those pharmaceautical adverts for prozac etc that we don't get over here and noone seems to have put online (although plenty of culture jamming and parody).

    I'm just wondering everyone else's angle on research. Surely even fantasy novelists need to do some (watching lord of the rings extended edition doesn't count!)
  2. El Rojo
    El Rojo
    google image for steampunk stuff. also art n design students websites, such as deviant art, are good for inspiring images.

    for factual infomation, i just wiki everything. this probably provides little factual infomation but oh well