RevLeft FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

What is restriction, and what is the Opposing Ideologies forum?

Restriction is a measure the membership uses to focus the debate on this site. We are a group of progressive Leftists, but that is all that many of us have in common. We disagree on how the society we envision will work, how best to emancipate the workers and many other issues. We need to debate these things respectfully, amongst ourselves. So we restrict debate about whether we should emancipate the workers at all to the Opposing Ideologies forum.

This is where all right-wingers are sent. This is where anyone who is too disruptive for proper debate is sent. There are other reasons for being restricted to OI of course, but generally it requires behaviour that is deemed in conflict with the membership's vision for this site.
In addition, all forms of social prejudice are considered restrictable offenses. This includes but is not limited to sexism, homophobia, transphobia and racism.

This person was restricted/banned, why?

In the daily happenings at the board, members sometimes make comments that are unacceptable at this site. Comments that are racist, sexist or homophobic for example. This usually will result in a restriction, and if the problem is deemed serious enough by the membership, a ban. No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, this is the case.

What if I think someone should be restricted or banned?

If you think the member should be restricted or banned, PM any mod or admin with the relevant information (quoted text demonstrating violation of board rules). They will either act directly, or in controversial/unclear cases bring the matter up in the Board Administration forum.

What evidence can I use to support restrictions/bans?

Any post or thread on this board can be submitted as evidence. Comments made on other boards may be used, depending on their validity. Chat logs of any kind cannot be submitted as evidence.

Is anyone ever unrestricted?

Yes, there have been many cases where a person has been forgiven and accepted back into the fold. It isn't easy however, because it usually requires genuine change for the membership to forgive and forget. It's hard for us to believe someone who says they are no longer racist/sexist/homophobic for example. However, as time passes by, and the person's comments continue to reflect a positive change, we become determined to see this member accepted after what then would become a learning experience for him/her.

I heard you have rules against preaching, is this true?


1) Justifying religious hierarchy, Preaching to or converting other members is not tolerated and religious ideas belong in religious discussions.

2) If any religious sentiments are expressed, they obviously belong in the “Religion” sub forum in OI.

3) Personal beliefs/positions on religion/spirituality should not affect an individuals overall status on RevLeft if kept within the Religion forum. Though this is not to say people won't be held accountable for otherwise unacceptable behaviour.

Do you restrict pro-life/anti-choice members?


This forum is explicitly Pro-Choice. Any member that holds a Pro-Life position of any kind (a position we hold to be a form of sexism), or who opposes unrestricted access to abortions at any point, will be Restricted.

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