Conversation Between Comrade Jacob and Ceallach_the_Witch

  1. Yeah, "City of Culture" sounds better than "City of ****s".
  2. Ceallach_the_Witch
    I was rather hoping that it would work like it does in Civ V and we'd automatically rule the world but unfortunately not. The whole thing is probably going to be a load of sentimental rubbish but I've got my hopes up just in case. I am secretly quite peased about it though, I think after the last 70 years Hull kind of deserves a break.
  3. lol, Hull won the "city of culture" 2017.
  4. It's the other way around for me.
  5. Ceallach_the_Witch
    for better or wores, I certainly am from Hull. Not born-and-bred but I've lived here most of my life
  6. You're from Hull? Same here.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6