Conversation Between Forward Union and Holden Caulfield

  1. You agree with me on the coppers?
  2. i understand your views, i think you are a sensible anarchist i hold you in high regard amongst anarcho types, im just taking the piss... chillax,
  3. Forward Union
    IF you actually think my views are so close to Leninsm, I'd like to have a discussion about it. As im not sure what you mean, if you could list some points in a thread in theory I'd be happy re respond and explain what the differences are between Anarchist-Platformism and Leninism. I don't think it's a discussion we've ever really had on RL so it'd be interesting I think.
  4. just been reading the anarcho-forum, dont let them mean anarchist boys bully you,

    hahaha 'bolshevik in black'
  5. Forward Union
    haha you trots always try and suck the platformists into your web. Wont work Im afraid im a pretty confident anarchist, my objections to trotskyism wont be overcome any day soon. We should debate it at some point, would be interesting, start a thread in theory some time.

    I woke up at 4pm today so i have bundles of enery. Night night tho!
  6. i think your turning into one of us, one morning after a full moon you will wake up on a street corner with half sold piles of the 'socialist' scattered around you. i would say you are the anarchist voice of reason to all the kiddies who are all 'no rules wooo'..

    i cba arguing Trotskyism with you now, i might do so tomorrow morning, i needs me beauty sleep, i cant afford to the food to keep me running for this long of a day, lol
  7. Forward Union
    Ah fair enough. Obviously unemployment isn't an issue, you are still allowed to join the IWW, but we are trying to organise workplace "job branches" at the moment. That said, there's a few small drives to get student workers into the wobs, so when you do find employment, let me know. As for my views, a lot of trots have been calling me a sensible anarchist recently. I just think you're all silly trots

    I think trotskyism offers a lot of positive material, but I have some core objections to it. Broadly it's ideological Statism and contemporary parlimentarianism, reformism and spinelessness. I recognise that these are not necciseraly all things that Trotskyists believe in, but they are issues with trotskyist organisations today. And while both Anarchist and Trotskyist organisations have their problems, I think Anarchism is much easier to fix.
  8. may i add from alot of what you (and other intelligent 'anarchists') say you seem awful socialist (this is a compliment) i find myself nodding along to a lot of your posts still in my 'trotty' mindset
  9. i doubt a industrial union would want a jobless student on their books, i would keep it in mind when i do finally get a job,

    i would come if i had but the funds to fund my journey, what the fuck is everything i want to go to this month in france, i wanted to go to the Cable Street gig as well but cant...

    everything south of...Hull (maybe i might need to counsult my maps) is France, except for a little corner of Newcastle (the University) that shall forever be middle england home of the toffs
  10. Forward Union
    In france?? I live in fucking london!

    Fair enough if you dont wanna come though you big trot. If you want to join the IWW I can post you the membership form. 200% growth rate man! It's probably one of the only organisations truely worth being in in the UK at the moment.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 27