Conversation Between Remus Bleys and Anglo-Saxon Philistine

  1. To be honest, "detoxing" sounds more and more appealing to me as time goes on. I really don't have the time to waste on the Great Lihite Echo Chamber.

    But to think you would consider eighteen to be "older"... I'm going to make myself taller now, thanks.
  2. Remus Bleys
    I've been meaning to slowly detox myself from this website, I noticed a general trend of liberal (that's always been there) and decided I had enough of the pointless bickering. I'll probably get on later in the future but my posts are definitely going to be very rare

    I'll be 18 this year don't worry.
  3. You should definitely post more, the way things are going the only people who will be left on this site will be pro-Obama "anarchists" and Third-World Caesarean "socialists".

    Also I hate you young person, get older fast so I won't feel jealous.
  4. Minister Bach, the Austrian interior minister in the cabinet of prince Schwartzenberg, a notorious police absolutist - the avatar was supposed to be sarcastic, given Hindsight's wailing and gnashing of teeth against me, but I guess no one knows what I'm on about (that happens a lot).
  5. Remus Bleys
    who is your avatar?
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