Conversation Between The Feral Underclass and Quail

  1. Thank you for taking some sort of action against Luis. I received an infraction from MO for flaming when I brought it up. Is this infraction going to be removed?
  2. Quail
    Not intentionally... But I didn't give myself the name, so maybe it was a reference that went over my head! I do like Red Dwarf but it's forever since I last watched it.
  3. Is your username a Red Dwarf reference?
  4. Thank you very muchly
  5. Quail
    Congrats on your modship
  6. Quail
    I know right? Like, if you're going to troll us, at least be original.
  7. I was thinking maybe it would be a good idea to split the debate on individualism and anarchism in that intro thread. It would be good to have a proper thread for it in theory or something. What ya reckon?
  8. Yay!
  9. Quail
    Ha, fair enough. I would be pretty embarrassed if someone mistook me for a meat-eater or even ovo/lacto-vegetarian. L is totally vegan now, which is nice. He seems pretty proud of it too
  10. Ha, I don't think the term vegetarian because it implies I'm a dirty dairy eater.
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