Conversation Between The Feral Underclass and Sibotic

  1. Why are you arguing? You don't have a choice in the matter. Remove the quote.
  2. Sibotic
    It is presumably acceptable to quote people who would have been 'restricted' on the main boards, and likewise who would have been banned, at least in an ordinary manner. One could, for instance, quote a 'troll.' But one needn't. That does not seem to follow from that policy specifically, nonetheless it seems that that isn't the important issue, anyway.
  3. I am under the impression that you are a troll and that you have the Hitler quote in your signature because you want to antagonise people. It is obviously inappropriate for you to carry such a quote on a far left-wing forum that has an automatic ban policy for Nazis and Fascists. Until it has been decided how to respond to your membership generally, I'm telling you to remove it from your signature. You can either do that yourself or one of the Admins can do it for you. It's entirely up to you.
  4. Sibotic
    Is that a protocol. People aren't allowed to quote Hitler in their signature, regardless of what it says. If Hitler said something that people found self-incriminating or something, or humorous, it would still not be allowed, because it's Hitler, as opposed to any other reactionary, colonial person, perpetrator of 'genocide,' Franco, people saying something in favour of capital, Pinochet, etc. I mean, if the board has an aversion to Hitler specifically and only Hitler, then I suppose it might, and hence an aversion to any discerning readers knowing anything that Hitler said, but its skin isn't exactly visual art, although its preference for modern colloquialisms is noticeable.
  5. Remove the Hitler quote from your signature.
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