Conversation Between The Feral Underclass and h0m0revolutionary

  1. Where's Kom! Let's get the whole gang back! Miss youooouuuuuuoouu xx
  2. Jesus, Mary, Mother of Christ!

  3. h0m0revolutionary
  4. You!
  5. You have sex with men. Disgusting.
  6. I bloody miss you too! I'm not, no....Maybe I will. x
  7. h0m0revolutionary
    I miss you Joe Joe!
    You coming to NDM?
  8. The deadline is the 15th. We need to put it together for NDM. March isnt' that far away.
  9. h0m0revolutionary
    But the election wont be until late March at the ver earliest
  10. How's my tactical voting article coming along. I need it by the 15th, remember x
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