Conversation Between The Feral Underclass and Holden Caulfield

  1. cheers
  2. Feisty. Maybe you need a little more time.

    And you can tell them all hello from me.
  3. to PARAPHRASE. paraphrase... do you know what the word means or shall I link you to a dictionary?

    I been talking to the proper old guard members who dont post anymore on FB, they said you always been a total knob and not to humor you but alas sometimes I just can't help myself. Its like a see a total wanker and I just have to tell them in the vain hope that after the bravado of 'I don't give a fuck' has gone away and they realise it isn't just 'drama queen holden talking' they will be left with the realisation that they are an unpleasant human being and generally a wanker.
  4. Actually she said there was no such thing as society. But I'm glad to see you're self-moderating. You're growing up finally.
  5. coolio, strictly speaking he isn't edl tho
  6. I merged it with the EDL troll thread, along with the numerous other threads started for that purpose.

    I've not started a troll alert thread. Please use that thread to notify admins in future.
  7. did you move that Lurcherman thread and resolve it?
    I cant find it?
  8. if you could PM all the trolls details on to Sean it would be great tho
  9. they arent, i assure you
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