Conversation Between Bad Grrrl Agro and Universal Struggle

  1. Hey gorgeous, you okay today x
  2. So how does a guy get to be with such an intelligent and, i bet beautifull girl as you?
  3. Bad Grrrl Agro
    Tease... Jajaja!
  4. lol sorry i will stop bothering you then x
  5. Bad Grrrl Agro
    Oh please, I'm flustered.
  6. Glitter lasts for a while.

    My love lasts forever.

    But only for you
  7. Bad Grrrl Agro
    That was very beautiful, what you said. Felt like glitter falling over me.
  8. Well, my dear Esperanza, love is impulsive, and though it may lead to tragic heartbreak, it will eventually, lead your heart to romance and love, with all the intensity and hapiness you ever dreamed of.

  9. Bad Grrrl Agro
    I'm thinking "oooooo I like" and then I think to myself "Esperanza, you've let your impulses lead you before, what happened then?" and I just end up spinning to dizziness.
  10. care to elaborate Mrs Freud
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