Conversation Between Anglo-Saxon Philistine and Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist

  1. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    You dogmatic Spart calling me a prodhornite! My voluntary associations of laborers and democratic worker's councils will show you!
  2. Well, we'll see.

    Nothing in particular, it just sort of stalled since I had to focus on my thesis, starting doctoral studies and so on - got a shitty, semi-legal job as well where I technically work and they technically pay me. Plus some people that I had contact with who were interested backed off due to the Ukraine. Apparently that happened to other branches as well. But generally, I'm limited in what I can do as a single guy.
  3. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    Well generally speaking it isn't the worse thing ever that you are on the other side of the earth, we have some international people in our group so it tends to be going 24/7 and my sleep schedule is quite irregular due to my work load so more likely than not you'll be on. Though I do understand AIM is quite glitchy but I do hope you can come on sometime we all do miss you and are excited to see you back.

    If you don't mind me asking what happened with your political work?
  4. As I said earlier, my installation of AIM is... capricious. I could try - one of the problems is that the times when I am free to chat don't generally coincide with the times other people are available to chat, both due to my location in the arse end of the universe, my bizarre schedule, and dissolute lifestyle.

    I definitely understand your point about post quality - I'm sort of in a grey area right now, where nothing is really going forward and I dread that call from Berlin where I'll have to explain that some potential recruits seem to have disappeared from the face of the Earth. But when I did actual political work, I couldn't be bothered with this site. It gets grating after a time.
  5. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    Unfortunate it would have been nice to have you. And I do admit that the quality of my posting has declined over the last year due to stress and the fact that now I am involved in actual political work in real life revleft discussions seem all the more fruitless. But I now have access to a massive library which as a fair amount of good Marxist literature so I should be able to trounce zimmy boy next time he says some liberal trite about china. It's almost sort of funny how my literacy in Marxism has an inverse relation to my posting quality. But you are still a wonderful poster and I am glad to have you on this board, that AIM chat is still open and we are a bit bigger now if you want to join back with us
  6. Oh bugger, I never did reply to your last visitor message, did I? Thank you for that - you're also a quality poster. No, unfortunately I don't have EU4 - I stopped playing after 2 I think - and right now I don't have the bandwidth to buy it completely legally honest guv'ner.
  7. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    By any chance do you have EU4?
  8. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    gawd this place is awful lately, I feel like I should try to join in the argument but honestly I just don't have the energy in me, congrats for being one of the few principled posters here.
  9. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    Comrade it is good to see you back! Goodness gracious I missed you, this board is a bit less of a gray hellhole with you in it.
  10. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    I sent you another invite
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 24