Conversation Between BIXX and argeiphontes

  1. argeiphontes
    A good site to spot-check if you feel like it or are worried is
  2. argeiphontes
    That actually comes up a lot on their message board. The WHO recommendation is only 0.8g protein per kg of lean body mass. If you're worried you can always eat a lot of beans, but I don't think anybody's actually had a problem. The emphasis on protein is just a fad, meat eaters tend to get too much.

    Here's an article by the Jeff Novick, the same Registered Dietician who answers questions on the McDougall board (a very knowledgeable guy IMO):
  3. BIXX
    Oh, that is very interesting. In fact that one sounds like I might try it, as I have been thinking about going vegan as well.

    Though, just looking at it, it seems like there would be some protein issues. Am I mistaken?
  4. argeiphontes
    I can't post in your weight loss thread but wanted to push my favorite "diet". I'm actually just starting back up myself, I'm probably at my highest weight ever. It's the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss "program" (not really a program just a very healthy way of eating):

    It's easy and cheap, but if you don't like plain food it pays to learn to cook a few simple things. (I know some people who can't eat anything unless it's part of a 'recipe'. Maybe it's cultural because the food I grew up with was pretty plain.)

    Anyway, good luck.
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