Conversation Between Let's Get Free and Flying Purple People Eater

  1. Let's Get Free
    I think that a revolutionary transformation in the African continent might be relatively easy, given that Africa lacks a strong capitalist foundation, well-developed class formations and relations of production, and a stable, entrenched state system. I think what is needed now is a rejection of the past Bonapartist "African Socialist" regimes, a long-term program of class-consciousness building, relevant education, and increased individual participation in social struggles. Long term development will only be possible if there is a radical break with both capitalism and the state system.
  2. Flying Purple People Eater
    Exactly what it says. What do you think would the best way for a revolution to begin in Africa?
  3. Let's Get Free
    "What should happen in Africa?" What do you mean by that?
  4. Flying Purple People Eater
    Ah, I see! You've got me interested now.

    What are your opinions on what should happen in Africa?
  5. Let's Get Free
    No one famous, just an elderly Mossi man. The Mossi are a people of central Burkina Faso.
  6. Flying Purple People Eater
    Who's the guy in your picture?
  7. Flying Purple People Eater
    Liberate our minds, by any means necessary!

    What kind of anarchist are you?
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