Conversation Between Philosophos and Positivist

  1. Positivist
  2. Philosophos
    Thanks for the info
  3. Positivist
    Hey, that thread you posted about revisionism is getting muddled up so I thought I'd just drop you a basic definition of what it means. Essentially it refers to a diversion from traditional marxist thought or principles. It's really a meaningless term and can be applied to almost any tendency, including classical marxism. I'd reccommend avoiding those who use it as a general rule.
  4. Positivist
    I was just curious. I respect anarchists and have no problems working with them but I am not exactly the biggest fan of their ideology.
  5. Philosophos
    Well there is this person who influenced me. Dunno I'm still new in the left stuff I have to see everything. I might go back to ML you never know. Why?
  6. Positivist
    Are you an anarchist now?
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