Conversation Between Flying Purple People Eater and ind_com

  1. ind_com
    Are you an ML now? Congratulations in that case! No, I wouldn't like to join that petition, because I think that Revleft is controlled by people from those tendencies, and they will not be very eager to restrict themselves.
  2. Flying Purple People Eater
    Hey there. Would you like to join the petition I'm making in the forum? I'm going to start a poll about whether or not we should restrict Trotskyites, Chomskyites, Bukharinites, Kautskyites, Bordigoids, Insurrectionist idealists and any other ultra-left who doesn't understand really existing Marxist-Leninism.
  3. ind_com
    Maoists hold that class struggle exists in socialism. So class struggle must be carried out between the socialist society, its state machinery and the communist party and its organizations as well. This results in putting class struggle and politics in command on the society, and a series of revolutions unless communism is reached. This unique feature separates Maoism from all other branches of Marxism. In general, Maoists follow basic Leninist organizational strategy, i.e. democratic centralism, only with special emphasis on the mass-line. Maoism is summarized in the MLM group description.
  4. ind_com
    Sorry for the late reply. I remembered this only when I saw you post in some thread today.

    The Maoist road of revolution for the third world is protracted people's war. As opposed to traditional Marxism, Maoists strategically see the neo-colonies as more favourable for revolutions in general. A Maoist people's war is fought mainly in the form of guerrilla warfare, escalating to conventional warfare in its final stages. Maoists place a democratic dictatorship of the proletariat and lower peasantry at the center of the first stage of the revolution, with conditional alliance with the progressive sections of the bourgeoisie. In its socialist phase this changes into a dictatorship of the proletariat and semi-proletarian classes.
  5. Flying Purple People Eater
    Hey comrade, you seem to be a pretty well-versed maoist here, so I was wondering if I could ask some questions about it.

    What do maoists think of the third-world, and what do they suggest as a path to revolution? How does maoism differ itself from Marx-Leninism, Marxism, Ortho-Marxism, Left Communism and other methods of socialism in terms of strategy, organisation and politics? Are there many active maoist groups?

    Sorry if this is a bit much
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