Conversation Between Skyhilist and Remus Bleys

  1. Skyhilist
    Oh oops, thanks for catching that. Meant to say collectivism and syndicalism rather than saying syndicalism twice.
  2. Remus Bleys
    Sky... edit this "Well there are 4 main types of anarchism: anarcho-communism, anarcho-syndicalism, anarcho-syndicalism, and mutualism."
  3. Skyhilist
    It is 76% forest... but extremely criss-crossed by roads. In fact the farthest you can get from a road in Connecticut is a mere 1.3 miles.
  4. Remus Bleys
    I thought conneticut was just a big forrest .___.
    good night.
  5. Skyhilist
    Yes. I was born near Chapel Hill, NC but on a really big lake, and my parents took me hiking all the time when I was little. I was less so around nature when I lived in Cincinnati and to an extent here now in Connecticut as well, but even then I've managed to make time to get out and go hiking fortunately. I'm planning on moving to California next year though, specifically for the nature.
  6. Remus Bleys
    Well, to each his own then. One of the reasons I'm a communist.

    And if Kropotkin is worth his salt, Ill also be able to work for 5 hours and go home and get high. Good reasons to be a commie.

    But I digress

    Were you always around Nature?
  7. Skyhilist
    Yeah, I'm starting to think I might prefer Skwisgaar too. But on the other hand, I'm really into reptiles so I wanted to create a screen name that had the sound a snake makes in it or some creative shit like that.
    Oh and we definitely don't share the city boy thing in common lol. Give me a choice between a fancy European city and the Amazon Rainforest, and I'll choose the latter any day.
  8. Remus Bleys
    I hate nature. Dont get me wrong, im all into conservation and camping and whatnot, but Im a total city boy. I can't imagine life without heavy industry and stores and buildings everywhere, with a couple of trees here and there.
  9. Skyhilist
    How are you liking it there?
    It seems somewhat devoid of nature/forests/mountains there it would probably be the death of me lol.
  10. Remus Bleys
    Im just gonna say it.
    I perfer Skwisgaar over Chomsssssky.
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