Conversation Between Positivist and ВАЛТЕР

  1. Positivist
    Hey, I just responded in the int brigade thread if you wanna check it out. I think we're on the sake page here, with minor differences of course, just we're looking at how the organization will look at different times and under different conditions.
    Long live the pamphlet revolution! Death to revisionist, bourgeois, pig-dog capitalist direct actions!
  3. Positivist
    Our mighty pamphlet supply grows ever greater comrade! In due time we will have enough pamphlets to distribute one to EVERY soldier on the planet, and the revolution will immediately follow, most likely on the exact same day that we distribute the pamphlets. Who knew we didn't even need the proletariat for a proletarian revolution? Apparently we can just bring socialism into existence by the will of the mighty workers in uniform. Kim Il Sung was right after all!
    How are the pamphlets coming along? When will our secret weapon be ready? We will be hailed as heroes! Long live the pamphlet revolution! With one swoop we shall crush the pig-dog capitalists under the weight of all these glorious pamphlets!
    There was a depression in the 80s caused by the IMF changing its policies towards Yugoslavia after Tito's death. Forcing up the interest rates to our actually laughable debt. Out of this depression came the nationalism which was a result of finger-pointing between the republics.
  6. Positivist
    Was there as steep of a depression as there was in the post-soviet States in former Yugoslavia? I'm assuming it was worse considering the nationalist wars that ensued. And yea proletarian maybe prior to enlistment in that they have nothing to but sell their labor power but after enlosting their labor becomes organized into the systematic control and repression of the masses so yea no friends of mine. I sympathize with those who are seducer into the military by the economic opportunity it reaps and I even feel for those deeply affected (physically or psychologically) by their experiences but inasfar as they act as soldiers, they enforce the oppression of capitalism and imperialism.
    Yugoslavia was a special case. I could only wish we fell apart like the USSR, peacefully with no war. Sadly the bourgeoisie decided to divide the people along ethnic and religious lines. So many people died and horrible things happened. This is why I hate soldiers so much, why I don't view them as workers in uniform, because they aren't. They are instruments of our class enemy used to crush us into submission. So trying to be buddy buddy with people whose only purpose in life is to kill people based on orders from the ruling class disgusts me. I of course speak of soldiers in imperialist armies. Soldiers of say Cuba, I can view as proletariat since they are not used as instruments to crush other peoples for profit.
  8. Positivist
    Wow that's crazy. That war sounds awful, the stories about it are terrifying. Most people in the west don't know that the formerly socialist countries were so disastrously affected by the dissolution of the socialist governments. People kinda just think the evil empire (the socialist bloc) collapsed and then there was a war in Serbia were NATO saved the day.
    My father got me and my mother out on the last plane and he stayed behind for a while. I was a toddler so I don't remember much. My earliest memory is my father coming to Montenegro from Sarajevo when I was about 4.
  10. Positivist
    Oh wow Sarajevo? That's incredible. Did you get out during the siege?
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