Conversation Between Brosa Luxemburg and MaximMK

  1. Brosa Luxemburg
    Sure, i'll PM you some stuff.
  2. MaximMK
    I want to learn about Left Communism and what it actually represents. Can you suggest something to read about it?
  3. Brosa Luxemburg
    I have no idea, lol.
  4. MaximMK
    Yeah i guess if they are not violent they will just soon get reasonable in time. Anyway how do i delete visitor messages i keep posting myself accidentally.
  5. Brosa Luxemburg
    Well, violent counter-revolutionaries trying to overthrow the proletariat dictatorship should be crushed outright. As far as people who are against the revolution but don't fight it, etc. then nothing should be done to them.

    As far as the remaining remnants bourgeoisie go, they would be naturally excluded from the decision-making process because of the way the soviets and party would operate.
  6. MaximMK
    Yea that's the thing. How will the party fight the ones opposed to the revolution. If it harms them they will be remembered. Is it possible to make all people of the world like the revolution without anyone rebelling. Its highly unlikely. There will be always someone causing problems. What do you think how are these people to be dealt with.
  7. Brosa Luxemburg
    Well, in Egypt they didn't really "bring down the government" but instead transferred the power to the military. Anyway, I think the necessity of a vanguard party comes to fight off immediatist and workerist tendencies that develop or exist within factory councils and trade unions. A restrictive vanguard party can overcome these pitfalls, as Bordiga notes.
  8. MaximMK
    I always liked the idea of the people liberating themselves without a party or some thing but in reality it would never work. Organization is always needed. Like in Egypt for example. They were unsatisfied they organized protested took down the government but they never organized a structure an organization that included all people that rebelled so in the end when they got what they wanted they were not organized for taking over. And the military took over, people were beaten on the streets again ... I think that the main thing people that are against a vanguard party forget is that when a revolution starts not all people will support it there will be some opposed even after (if) the people win. Without a clear organization to lead the people they will eventually be separated and defeated. People always need to be connected in an organization it does not need to have a single leader but it needs to keep the workers organized as one force.
  9. Brosa Luxemburg
    I support the conception of a vanguard party. I am also a Leninist. That is the main one. I am not a council communist anymore. I am a left communist, part of mainly the Bordigist tendency within left communism. I am still opposed to Stalinism, working within bourgeois trade unions and parliaments, and other things.
  10. MaximMK
    What views you changed in particular ?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 27