Conversation Between Brosa Luxemburg and Welshy

  1. Brosa Luxemburg
    They deleted it because they are opposed to the idea of including the cocks in the transitional society.

  2. I wonder why they deleted that group. Its not like it was a tendency, plus it was starting something good for the general education of the board members.

    This BA is killing me.

    Long Live Comrade Rooster! Love Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Rooster Thought!
  3. yeah I prefer the ICT as well, but the ICC is just so useful with all of their resources. I would like to see the ICC and ICT reconcile their differences one day and merge, or at least work together a bit better.
  4. Brosa Luxemburg

    I think I like the ICT more than the ICC. I mean, the ICC is good and all, but the ICT seems to line up much more Bordigist.
  5. It was a self-ban. I'll send you more info in a PM later
  6. Brosa Luxemburg
    If anything, at least one of the main groups.

    Why is Miles banned?
  7. I don't think it is fair to call them the vanguard yet. It is far to early to make that claim, though their group will probably be one of the groups that will go on to be a part of it if the situation becomes favorable.
  8. Brosa Luxemburg
    Yeah, obviously I sympathize with the ICT and ICC, as for CPGB they are obviously the vanguard party of Britain (in my opinion) and their theory is pretty solid. The WPA is a cool, proletariat only party as well.
  9. I like your list of groups you sympathize with there comrade
  10. Brosa Luxemburg
    Lol, yeah and now the guy is banned as well.

    Yeah, I don't think that user really knew what they were talking about and made horrible and half-baked arguments. Of course me and you aren't Stalinists and only people with no knowledge of Marxism, theory, etc. would argue that point.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 28